Over Seas

Find a Home Congregation Near You

HOW TO FIND A HOME CONGREGATION NEAR YOU Place your mouse in the area where you live. A list of names and emails will pop up.  Email those who are in your area.  Introduce yourself to them, telling them about yourself including where you live, and asking them where they live. WE DO NOT PUBLISH LOCATIONS OF HOME CONGREGATIONS FOR SECURITY REASONS. 

Please do not ask us to find a Home Congregation near you. We will not locate one for you. We want you to begin doing research for yourself, and also begin to build relationships with the other Home Congregations in your area.  You can do both by sending an email.  If, after you contact those in your area, you discover that there is no Home Congregation near you, we encourage you to begin one to fill that void. Register for Bootcamp, where you will be trained and coached in how to begin a Home Congregation in your community.

Click on the Country in blue to get the details about that Country’s Home Congregations.


America: Click Here