Discipling a Nation by Training and Coaching Leaders to Begin Home Congregations
One Community at a Time
Jesus Never Said Church
Please Watch the video to hear what Jesus said
Discover the power of Ekklesia – watch this captivating video! Gain essential knowledge that every believer should know.
After you watch this video and you would like to learn more, please watch the video below.
Please enjoy this video that tells you a little bit about our bootcamp training.
If after watching this video you would like to proceed with bootcamp training, you can join a class by hitting the “Join a Class” button below.
What We Do

Our Mission & Strategy
Our Mission is to expand the Borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Our Strategy is to restore 1st Century principles and practice to 21st Century Christ Followers by Training, Equipping, and Releasing Christian Leaders.

Practical Strategy
We accomplish our Mission by leading FREE
online study courses with Training and Coaching.
We are equipping and releasing leaders to begin Home Congregations in their community.

Personal Coaching
We utilize all the resources of the internet to
continue the support, encouragement, activation, and personal coaching.
Click here to sign up for a class today.
Current Classes

OKM Boot Camp
Tired of the same old 501 (C) 3 church where everything is done like a well written show with smoke and music, yet very little effective prayer and fellowship? You’re not alone, millions around the world are discovering what Jesus planned all along and what Christians did for three hundred years. They gathered in homes to pray and fellowship. If God is calling you to lead others in developing a local home congregation for prayer and fellowship, then consider learning how to do it from Omega Kingdom Ministry’s Home Congregations training. Course training is at no cost yet there is a commitment for your time and some book purchases.

The Roots of the Federal Reserve
This will be a journey through time, and territory. We will look at scripture to discover what is in the Root system of the Federal Reserve. Buckle up!

Kingdom Prophets
In this course, we will be looking at the Kingdom Prophet. We will look at God’s Kingdom, the role of the kingdom prophet, and discussing the different types of prophetic gifts by studying James Goll’s book, The Seer.
This course is recommended for people who are exploring prophetic gifts.