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Equipping Ekklesia July 23, 2023

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Surely Lord

Surely, Lord, Your goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. (Psm. 23:6)
Your blessings are rising and overtaking us even at this very moment. (Deut. 28:2)
We thank You, Lord, for leading and guiding us with Your hand upon us. (Psm. 139:10)

Thank you that you bless the righteous, (Psm. 5:12) and we are righteous in your sight because of the precious blood of Jesus shed for us. (II Cor. 5:21) Thank you Lord, that your word promises us that you surround us with a SHIELD OF FAVOR. (Psm. 5:12) We receive that shield of favor and know it goes before us everywhere we go. (Deut. 31:8)

We declare that unexpected blessings constantly come our way as we walk with the Lord, and in the power of His might. (Deut. 28:2) We have more than enough; (Matt. 25:29) and daily the Lord opens up supernatural doors of opportunity for us…
for provision, ministry, and blessings. (Col. 4:3)

We are “tithers”, and the Lord’s promise to us is… “Test me now and see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” (Mal. 3:10)

Father, we receive Your promise that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. ( Eph. 1:3) We are blessed when we come in, and blessed when we go out. (Deut. 28:6) We are the head and not the tail in everything we do, (Deut. 28:13) because that is our covenant promise as believers, and part of Abraham’s covenant blessings. (Gal. 3:29)

We walk under the direction of the Holy Spirit every day of our lives. (Rom. 8:14) We always have a right response to share when anyone asks us why we are so blessed. (II Tim. 4:2 and Col. 4:6) Thank you Lord, that you daily open doors no man can open, and You close the doors you want closed in our lives. (Rev. 3:7)

We thank You Lord, that you have raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph.2:6) and we walk with assurance everywhere we go, because Your “dunamis” power (Acts 1:8) that created the entire universe dwells inside of us. (Rom. 8:11) Nothing is impossible to us because the Spirit of Almighty God dwells in us! (Luke 1:37) Have your way in us today, Lord! (Psm. 86:11)

We constantly live in the “exceedingly more abundant” (I Tim. 1:14) and “ever increasing favor and blessings” life from the Lord. Everything we put our hands to is blessed and will prosper, as that is our covenant promise. (Duet 15:10 and Psalm 1:3)
We love you Lord and thank you that the gift you have given us makes room for us,
and brings us before great and mighty men. (Pro. 18:16)
We thank you that You are the God Who heals us (Exodus 15:26) and we walk in divine health. (Proverbs 4:22) You take sickness away from the midst of us, (Ex 23:25) and by Your stripes we are healed, (Isa.53:5)

Your Word says when the thief is caught he must restore seven-fold to us. (Pro. 6:31) The thief is the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy; but You Lord, came to bring us LIFE, AND LIFE ABUNDANT. We are enjoying walking in your abundant life
(John 10:10) Thank you Jesus, for this promise to us!

According to your Word in Deuteronomy 23:5 and Nehemiah 13:2, when the evil one tries to place a curse on us through any means, you turn those curses into blessings! And according to Your Word, every time satan brings evil our way, YOU TURN IT INTO GOOD for us! (Gen. 50:20) What an amazingly loving Father you are! (I John 4:8)

Thank you Lord, when we open our mouths, we speak with the Spirit of Life; (John 6:63) because You said, that “the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the Law of sin and death.” (Rom. 8:2) Thank you Lord, that we live, move, work, love and minister out of Your Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus! (Acts 17:28)

Thank you Lord that the angels You have assigned to us are surrounding us, (Psm. 34:7) and holding us up so we don’t slip, trip, fail, fall or otherwise have any calamities according to your Psalm 91 promise. (Psm. 91:11 & 12) We walk in the favor of God! (Psm. 84:11)

This is the set time that the favor of God is pouring out on us. (Psm. 102:13) We will never be broke another day in our lives. Our broke days are over. (Psm. 34:9) You are pouring out fresh oil on us (Psm. 92:10) and we receive it. (I John 2:27)

We flourish and bear fruit in old age. (Psm. 92:14) You are renewing our youth like the eagles. We will not age as the world ages. (Psm. 103:5) Today you have anointed us with new strength and power, (Psm. 68:35) and our anointing is increasing. (John 14:12)

We have been given “lands” from you Lord, and according to your promise in Nehemiah, today we go in and POSSESS the lands that You have given us! (Deut. 1:8) We will not shrink back in fear, (Heb. 10: 38 & 39) but we go this day Lord, in the power of YOUR might, (Eph. 6:10 and Zech 4:6) Hallelujah!
Romans 10:9-10 (NLT) 9 If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.
Open your mouth and declare it out-loud. Neither the devil nor the angels are “mind-readers.” If you intend to push back the forces of darkness today, you must declare your position out-loud. If you wish to activate the angels that surround you today, you must declare your intensions out-loud.
I am a Priest of the Most High God. (Rev.1:6) I serve as an Ambassador of my King. (II Cor 5:20) Today, I will faithfully represent my King to the people around me, and present the needs of the people to my King. (II Tim2:1-3)
Everyday His Kingdom is growing and expanding (Isaiah 9:7) and through me, the people around me are being moved from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light in Jesus Christ. (Col 1:13)
Today, I will shine like a bright star in the dark night (Daniel 12:2-3) and others will see that light and turn to Him. (Matt 4:16)

Today, no weapon formed against me will prosper (Is 54:17) because today, I take my stand against the devil and all his forces of darkness. I am fully equipped with the armor of God: I have on the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Belt of Truth, and my feet have on the Shoes of Good News ready to share. In my left hand I hold the Shield of Faith, and in my right hand I wield the mighty Sword of the Spirit, the very sharp Word of God. (Ephesians 6:13-18, Hebrews 4:12)
I have been given the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 16:18) and not even the gates of Hades will prevail against me! What I bind here on earth has already been bound in heaven, what I loose here on earth has already been loosed in heaven (Matt 16:19) for I walk in the delegated authority of Christ my King (Matt 28:18-19).
I am a “Called-Out” member of the Ruling Council of the Government of the Kingdom of Heaven in my region, and carry with me the full authority of the Name of Jesus (Acts 3:16, 4:12, Mark 16:15-18).
This is HIS Kingdom, and what HE says here, goes here.


Posted : 23/07/2023 5:24 pm

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