This is an article by Martin Geddes. You may find it useful to your knowledge quest…

How “The Bidan (sic) Show”
is saving America (and the world)
This article is not intended for dangerous morons. If you are a dangerous moron who believes that colour revolutions and communist insurrections cannot be attempted in America, please stop reading now. This article will only distress and annoy you, and that would be unkind to yourself.
Thank you.
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OK, now we’ve insulted the dangerous moron audience segment and driven them away, that leaves the rest of us — who can have an adult conversation about what is really going on in America, and the pivotal role of the media and propaganda in spinning a false reality.
A lot of us are living in frustration that the obvious landslide win of Donald Trump in November — try finding someone who went to a Biden rally — did not result in immediate truth and justice. Our patience is being annealed into a hardened resoluteness to see this through to the end.
Here is my best sense of what is going on; keep in mind I’m just one guy with a laptop and an opinion, and you can have your own equally functional laptop and valid opinion. There is a perverse and paradoxical logic to what is happening, bizarre as it all sounds. As Mark Twain said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”
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MAGA is the end game of the original 18th century American Revolution. The European banking aristocracy and monopolising monarchies didn’t just pack up and go home when they were shot at and it was heard around the world. They simply switched tactics and played a long game to stealthily retake America. The war of invasion became a war of infiltration; the War of Independence never ended in reality.
After various attempts to impose a central bank, the 19th century Civil War plunged America into debt and set up the conditions for a “bankocracy” to take power. America was turned into a corporation ruled by a Masonic city state — Washington DC — that was effectively an extension of the alliance of the British Crown (i.e. City of London freemasons) and the Vatican (i.e. Rome freemasons) plus the bloodline families (i.e. occultist banking and commerce mafia).
This allowed maritime and contractual law to displace the people’s sovereign rights under common law, and opened the way for the unconstitutional Federal Reserve to impose debt slavery on Americans. The history of America is a nonstop tussle between individual and state sovereignty versus federal and bankster oligarchy. The good news is that the former have won, and we’re in the final phase of restoring liberty.
The Chinese Communist Party is the front through which the globalist totalitarian banking aristocracy has been operating its plan to gain complete control of this planet. November 2020 was an attempt by the CCP to hijack America — the last bastion of true freedom due to an armed populace — via a classic colour revolution. Demoralise the public via a scamdemic, impose economic hardship by closing small businesses, kill some old people in nursing homes to spread fear and terror, and spray pervasive media lies over any opponent. Then use election fraud to seize control without having to send a single soldier or fire a shot.
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I was stunned recently when an otherwise lucid professional associate — whose work I admire — said there was no election fraud. The zillionth item of evidence is the hand recount in New Hampshire where the Dominion voting machines short changed only Republican candidates. If you cannot find the evidence, please go back to the beginning of this article and reconsider whether you might be a dangerous moron. Because refusal to consider the possibility and look at the data would surely qualify you for that title.
This election fraud has been going on for decades — a century and more, even. The Bush vs Gore matter in 2000 surfaced a lot of the problems. Our “liberal” (i.e. authoritarian) leftist friends used to complain about the lack of transparency and trustworthiness of voting machines, until it was the hated Donald Trump who was the victim. Then they went silent and decided it was of no importance. Oh well, dangerous morons are a thing after all. We’ll all get over it when the truth comes out.
If you are not a dangerous moron, it is obvious that there is no “Joe Biden” presidency. A fake and unconstitutional prerecorded “inauguration” (where the weather kept magically changing with the camera angle) was attended by military not wearing insignia. There was no handover of the nuclear code “football”, no arrival on Air Force One, no foreign dignitaries, and no salutes.
The White House is empty and dark right now, and there is no Marine guard. The pictures of the Oval Office are visibly of a movie set; they’ve even recycled some of the art from a previous show. Trump hinted in 2019 it wasn’t really Joe Biden himself by calling him “Joe Bidan”, and you can look closely and see it isn’t him. The ears and shape of head are different. Whether it is a double, clone, CGI, actor in a latex mask, hologram, ghostly apparition from another dimension, or all the above — I don’t care and it doesn’t matter.
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It isn’t just a fake Presidency, it seems like the whole election was a fake — a sting operation to draw out every cunning clown who thought they could get away with a communist takeover in America. Remember, these things are not announced in advance. You only find you’ve got a real communist in power when potential opposition is being exterminated (with no media coverage). You also only get to find out it’s a sting operation when it’s over (and the official state media are discredited).
President Trump has a long history of election fraud tweets. This operation to retake America for its People has been planned for decades. He has executive orders on election fraud and human rights, allowing him to seize the assets of those conspiring against the public and breaking their oath of office. The Stafford Act, 2019 Presidential Handover Act, and Insurrection Act give him the needed powers and allow FEMA and the military to take control. PEADs — Presidential Emergency Action Documents — were established under Eisenhower and are the “nuclear option” of continuity of government for exactly this kind of exigency.
Remember, if you have read this far then you’re not a dangerous moron, so this is all objective stuff that we can believe in. Rational empirical people are driven by evidence, not prior belief or limits of our imagination.
Washington DC is now a prison complex under the control of Gen Walker, not the Mayor, nor “President Bidan”. This allows military tribunals to run for the election fraud: traitors don’t get to spend years fighting in corrupt civilian courts when you work for the CCP. Child sex trafficking is the bedrock of power via blackmail, and its underground infrastructure can be flushed of the nightmarish nastiness that has long been going on. Those responsible won’t be seen again, and deservedly so.
Capturing the leadership of a defunct corporate government that does not represent the people is a political booby prize. Returning power to the people means taking it away from this unaccountable capital of the cancer of corruption. In other words, Washington DC is OVER and FINISHED: it is about to become a museum and alligator swamp reserve. The whole place is one deceptive occult hellhole from conception to demolition. It cannot stand as a totem of the sovereign American People.
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The establishment of a new free American Republic involves a cutover from the old and bankrupt corporate entity that the “Joe Bidan” movie character heads up. It cannot be done instantly, and those who are losing power would love to create chaos and deny the public their rights and inheritance. Capturing and removing the Deep State isn’t enough; you also need to deliver a functioning society afterwards.
There are very specific benefits of Donald Trump being “off stage” during this transition period:
- The corrupt mass media that is under CCP control cannot accuse Trump of being a military dictator when the US military overtly becomes in control.
- It preserves the legality of the change, and avoids confusion for the public of which Presidency they are endorsing (corporate entity vs federation of sovereign states).
- It ensures the safety of both President Trump and his family, since they are assassination targets. It also avoids the need for rallies or other events where the public would be put at risk of terrorism.
- “Joe Bidan” can do increasingly absurd things in the “show” — like zany “rule by executive order” — to wake up more “normies” and decrease the “dangerous moron” count.
- You can do military operations that otherwise would be politically unacceptable (think Iran, Syria).
- Any chaos is attached to the Deep State and its Democratic and RINO operatives.
- It gives time for the global takedown to occur, since this all has to be synchronised. Even if America is ready, success is removing all bases of power from which this criminality could return.
Finally, and most importantly, it sets up the total destruction of the Mockingbird Media. They are fully invested in promoting “The Bidan Show” as objective reality. But as with the Truman Show, there is a moment when it “glitches” and the stage set is visible. It only takes the President Bidan actor to remove his latex mask on TV, and it’s all over, as the illusion machine is shattered.
Frank Zappa, no stranger to the military-industrial-entertainment complex, once said: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
He was nearly right. The deceived element of the public (including a large subset of dangerous morons who pose a civil war risk to us all) will get to watch the curtain pulled back, but instead of a brick wall, they will find that the whole theatre has been dismantled around them. They are free; their “Plato’s Cave” has been excavated and opened to the fresh air.
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So the “big picture” is that we are watching a total reboot of America, and consequently the world. When a computer reboots its operating system goes down a series of “run levels”, and then back up again. We are experiencing the same thing in America: “The Bidan Show” is just a “holding screen” and distraction put on to educate the public while the military does the election fraud cleanup operation. This is done at the lowest Constitutional “run level” where normal civilian government is (quietly) suspended. The inevitable riots and chaos of the wakeup phase — when this is all official and in the open— have to wait until the cleanup is finished. One problem at a time.
As this corrupt bankocracy is removed from power we will likely experience a financial reset, exposure of these war crimes, and disclosure of the hidden technology that has been hoarded by a minority in secret (yet paid for by the public). It is already happening — and seems like something from a sci-fi movie. But you can go check out the legit anti-gravity and energy devices from the US Navy on the official patent site.
Having Donald Trump immediately be re-elected in November would have been a strategic failure, even if it offered a temporary emotional release. It would have perpetuated the fake corporate government, and sustained the illusion of its legitimacy. The two real tasks are to prevent a descent into civil war in the short run, and to prevent a recurrence of this horror show in the long run. “The Bidan Show” is a necessary “liminal passage” in the story of the rebirth of America. It cleverly skirts around the traps that would lead to disaster and the prize of peace being snatched away at the last minute.
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The cancer of corruption is an aggressive one, and returns easily. Its cure demands the total elimination if the mass media brainwashing machine. You may have noticed how quiet Hollywood has been recently; it is equally as finished as Washington DC. Allowing the election fraud to happen sets up the case for strong voter ID and robust election technology. Changes that were previously unthinkable will be demanded by all as they understand how close they came to losing their Republic and freedom.
Saving America is not the hard part; keeping her saved is the real struggle. Only a massive cultural shift can achieve this. “The Bidan Show” triggers self-identification of the “dangerous morons” and authoritarian colluders in our society. Their loss of credibiltiy in turn forces a reordering of power among the people towards Patriots. A lot of arrogant and prideful dangerous morons are about to get the hardest lesson of their lives as their conceit and carelessness is exposed. Academia is set for revolt and revolution, mass media for implosion, “sick care” medicine for replacement. It’s an “apocalypse of authority”.
The Q military intelligence operation has prepared Patriots for this time of upheaval — The Great Awakening. We are given objective reasons to believe this is a carefully planned process with a benevolent outcome, so we do not engage in our own insurrection against an illegitimate entity in Washington DC. The genius combination of plausible deniability and strategic ambiguity delivers exactly the right information at the right moments to those with the eyes to see. Shelves of books will be written about how this sensational covert military plan was executed.
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The bottom line is that we are in an epic transition from slavery to sovereignty, poverty to prosperity, and war to peace. We may have some difficult struggles ahead — food shortages, nature causing havoc, genocidal pharma “vaccines” — but we will overcome them. But at least we won’t have to endure the lies of the Mockingbird Media for much longer.
Nor will we have to suffer the mocking of dangerous morons. “The Bidan Show” says wakeup time is almost here for everyone. The multi-year cleanup is nearly done. America has been saved by its military and Patriots. The whole world is next.
Enjoy the show!
Omega Kingdom Ministry is pleased to announce its Restoring the Covenant Conference in Plymouth, MA, May 6-8, 2021. For details and registration, visit our page at:
All that I can say is WOW! Martin is brilliant. I hope this is all true!
this is the sum of what has been typed / spoken many times by many players
we can observe ourselves that there are many truths re reported here
we wait for justice
i earnestly want this to happen , to transpire , to take place soon or now
there is another path not so rosy awaiting us all
doing nothing and waiting for ever
is not now and never has been an option
the dangerous morons are even now self eliminating by vaccine
they were warned , they chose the wrong path
may God grant us whatever assistance that he can without spoiling our test
All power is inherent in the people
We are the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. Our 2nd amendment well regulated Militia on Oregon cured on January 29, 2021. We meet on Skype most Mondays at 7:00PM. You will be notified. Our function is to return Oregon to a Constitutional Republican form of government thru a grand jury process. Following is a five-minute read. Then there are some attachments. We are seeking grand jury/trial jury members to take these ogres to trial.
Briefly: We are in a benevolent, predatory, form of martial law from DC/United States* incorporated governance in some form since 1861. It’s Name is the Lieber Code from Lincoln’s Executive Or- der 100 in color of law. We had a Constitutional Republican form of government from 1819 to 1860 or 1861. From 1776 to 1819 it was changing from an overthrown Monarchy. Most of the “people from 1776 to 1819 the people at large” were not convinced for a long time. There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/milit- ary/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/communist/Muslim/Georgia Guidestone complex.
This does not involve the true Constitutional Republican form of government on each of the several states. As long as there are still “people”- that is the body, mind, spirit as juxtaposed to “person,” the ALL-CAP NAME corporate fiction – all power is inherent in the people.
Rather than being subdivisions of the US, INC., each state is an autonomous Nation, each with its own Constitution! All power is inherent in the people. The number of people is not specified and a majority is not required as we are not a Democracy. The several states of the Union are the creator party to “The United States of America’s Constitution.” The “people at large” are beneficiaries. The “people at large” are the creator party to their state’s Constitutions.
The STATE OF OREGON’s incorporated governance is color of law. Operated by the Salem oligarchy, aka Kate Brown et al, which is a subdivision of the DC/United States* as originally incorporated during Lincoln’s era. I think each STATE OF THE OTHER 49 is about the same. A little more carrot or a little more stick.
To remove the Lieber Code/martial law the method is clear and written down by the de facto. The Lieber code of Lincoln’s EO 100 is nullified by a civilian court on the land. So says SCOTUS Ex parte Milligan. There was no — none, zero! — Civilian courts on the land of Oregon. Until ours. I was told there is one on Texas, one on Philadelphia and one on Georgia. I have been unable to prove this. I do know there is no Article III court that will claim original jurisdiction. They have acquiesced to “we, the people, must do it ourselves.”
The Army Heritage Center 717-245-3972/3949 verified the Lieber Code was updated and still in effect in 2015. No known changes since then. The Judge Advocate General attorney, acronym JAG, knew exactly what I was talking about.
A method of returning Oregon to a Constitutional Republican form of government was/is: We assembled our 1st amendment Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly 3 years ago. We notified the DOJ, USMS, FBI, 36 Sheriffs, 30 Senators, A.G, governor, Secretary of State lawfully and none rebutted our claim. They all acquiesced and defaulted.
We formed Article 1, Section 1 of Oregon’s Constitution and in- formed all the same ones. We formed our civilian court of record and informed all the same ones. Through Ex parte Milligan’s authority we nullified Lieber Code/martial law. Not one rebuttal.
We informed the Oregon National Guard/Oregon Organized Militia’s JAG and they are not happy and have talked back and hung up. We are awaiting an appointment with their Commanding General Michael Stencel.
We have formed a 50 member Grand jury pool and trial jury pool of Oregonians, Join us we are growing. — non-US citizens — to bring forth true bills against the ogres on Oregon. Then we implement Article III, Amendment VII court. This is a template for the other states.
Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2 (1866), was a landmark decision of the US Su- preme Court that ruled the application of military tribunals to citizens when civilian courts are still operating as unconstitutional. In this particular case, the Court was un- willing to give President Abraham Lincoln’s administration the power of military commis- sion jurisdiction, part of the administration’s controversial plan to deal with Union dis- senters during the American Civil War. Justice David Davis, who delivered the majority opinion, stated that “martial rule can never exist when the courts are open” and confined martial law to areas of “military operations, where war really prevails”, and when it was a necessity to provide a substitute for a civil authority that had been overthrown. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase and three associate justices filed a separate opinion concur- ring with the majority in the judgment, but asserted that Congress had the power to au- thorize a military commission, although it had not done so in Milligan’s case.
The landmark case stemmed from a trial by a military commission of Lambdin P. Mil- ligan (for whom the case is named), Stephen Horsey, William A. Bowles, and Andrew Humphreys that convened at Indianapolis on October 21, 1864. The charges against the men included, among others, conspiracy against the U.S. government, offering aid and comfort to the Confederates, and inciting rebellion. On December 10, 1864, Mil- ligan, Bowles, and Horsey were found guilty on all charges and sentenced to hang. Humphreys was found guilty and sentenced to hard labor for the remainder of the war. (The sentence for Humphreys was later modified, allowing his release; President An- drew Johnson commuted the sentences for Milligan, Bowles, and Horsey to life impris- onment.) On May 10, 1865, Milligan’s legal counsel filed a petition in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Indiana at Indianapolis for a writ of habeas corpus, which called for a justification of Milligan’s arrest. A similar petition was filed on behalf of Bowles and Horsey. The two judges who reviewed Milligan’s petition disagreed about the issue of whether the U.S. Constitution prohibited civilians from being tried by a milit- ary commission and passed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case was argued before the Court on March 5 and March 13, 1866; its decision was handed down on April 3, 1866.
Prepared by Francis Lieber, promulgated as General Orders No. 100 by President Lin- coln, 24 April 1863. Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, prepared by Francis Lieber, LL.D., Originally Issued as General Or- ders No. 100, Adjutant General’s Office, 1863, Washington 1898: Government Printing Office.
Article I Section 1 of Oregon’s Constitution Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inher- ent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
*See (8) The United States is located in the District of Columbia.