Warning: We have received this info yet we ask all of you to discern and take it to the Lord. There is a lot of disinfo right now. We do have faith in the folks who have shared this with us. We will correct anything we find out that is not right once we have verifiable sources:
Sorry for the delay, we’ve been waiting to get more info before reaching out. We’ve been getting a lot of texts and emails wondering where I went – man you guys are antsy! lol
Ok we had another Zoom call last night with retired Generals, Colonels and also Lin Wood. Here’s what they covered: (don’t be alarmed this one is pretty heavy but ends well)
Everyone is upset and impatient that no trigger has been pulled yet. But make no mistake, the President will do what is necessary to defend the constitution. Much is being done out of public view…
– 25,000 troops are now in DC, under the guise of riot control for the inauguration.
– More troops across the country – all major Democrat cities – are on standby which is 1hr recall.
– POTUS just designated Cuba as a terrorist state (relating to election interference)
– POTUS just delisted a number of Chinese companies from having business being done with them.
– The recent blackouts in Italy (Vatican), Pakistan & Iran were from our Space Force – they temporarily took out parts of their power grid from up there. This was in preparation for war with China and Iran. Don’t panic! This isn’t conventional war with tanks and bombs and bullets – it’s cyber warfare including satellites that can knock out communications and data centers. If you ever wondered why the Space Force was instituted by POTUS a while back, it wasn’t just about going to Mars. It was for this. Other countries have satellites up there that can do stuff to us – we have them now too and they work.
– There are now 250,000 Chinese troops surrounding us, 75,000 in Canada and the rest in Mexico. The generals said if they set foot in this country they will be wiped out swiftly as they are ready. (I know, this is scary but hang on everything will be fine)
– POTUS at the Wall in Texas yesterday was a signal to let China know he means business as a sign and that he is in charge.
– POTUS will be getting in front of the people to produce evidence so the people know he is the real elected President. He may have to use the Emergency Alert System to do this in 2-3 days. When I give you a timeline or dates they can be disinformation given to us on purpose, so we will not be told the real dates as our calls are being listened into.
– The Mayor of Oklahoma City was informed by POTUS on Monday via email that the Insurrection Act has been enacted and arrests will begin in that city. This is the first of many cities this will happen in. So we now have confirmation that the Insurrection Act is in place!
– DON’T BELIEVE THE MEDIA! It’s all optics. One Colonel noted that in war, it’s important to draw your enemy out in the open. POTUS has been doing EXACTLY that. Look at all the rats that have been revealing their true identity. POTUS has been separating the wheat from the chaff, especially these past 2 weeks.
– This election was cyber warfare on our country. A paper was sent to the White House on the voting in 4 states that showed Chinese cyber attacks moving votes from Trump to Biden. They have proof of this now. This is a foreign country involved in our elections so this has been escalated from a domestic issue to an attack from a foreign enemy. This has moved from a constitutional voting issue to a national security issue now.
– Covid was a biological attack on our country to shut down our economy and push the Mail-in Ballots Nationwide in order to pull off the steal along with the Dominion Machines.
The virus was a man-made Bio-weapon created in a Wuhan Lab to take out as many of our elderly and the weak as possible to incite more fear globally. They needed the death counts to rise to continue their plan to take over our country. This is why every death was marked as a covid death regardless if they had it or not.
The Generals and Gen Flynn encouraged us all as Patriots to RESIST all across this country and yes Canada too. Take off your Mask. Go to Church and Open your businesses. They can’t stop us when we all RESIST! There aren’t enough jail cells to hold everyone. Those were our orders to get the message out to the masses. There is no mandate in our Constitution Law to keep people from seeing each other or close their business.
– The Capitol Building attack was Antifa and BLM driven – all tactical deception as they call it in the military. It’s common practise.
Ok…. no one is getting nuked and you don’t need to take this at its worst. But you need to be prepared. There could be blackouts, internet down, cell phones down for short periods. Make sure you have ways to keep your food cold etc. if the power goes out, and don’t panic! Democrat controlled and big cities may be hit the worst because BLM & Antifa will riot and loot when Biden isn’t seated. That’s why the military is on standby. I know the number of Chinese troops around us is a scary thing but they are only coming in if Biden was seated. Then they would start the move on changing our country – it’s not a pretty thought. But that’s not happening. I know the Joint Chiefs put out a letter they are supporting the new President Biden on the 20th – what else are they supposed to say right now? It’s all optics to keep things calm. Remember. If POTUS doesn’t stop this, he will be hunted down and arrested along with his entire family by the left. That’s a fact. And with him gone, our country is gone too. He knows this. He’s not going to sit there and do nothing. From now to the 19th is show time, we just don’t know exactly when.
So yes, we are in a full blown Military Operation right now to remove the threats and install our President back in power and control the violence in the big cities. Keep in mind, if the lights go out, and Biden is not President, it’s not China coming in here, it’s us knocking out the lights to weed out the bad guys. Massive arrests will be happening then.
On a side note, The Space Force has actually been around a long time, POTUS is the one that disclosed it to all of us. It used to be called the Secret Space Program. Remember when Rumsfeld announced $2 Trillion had gone missing and they don’t know where it went? He announced that the day before 9/11. The next day, a “plane” struck the Pentagon in the exact place where those files were kept. The money went to build the Secret Space Program. POTUS is using it to protect us.
Everything we are hearing and seeing in the news is all optics and the corrupters are in full PANIC in DC. This war is all about implementing the new Republic in order to introduce to the World a new currency that is Gold asset backed and run on the New Quantum Financial System which replaces the Central Banks and SWIFT.
209 Countries have signed on. (yes I know Google says there are 196 countries but the UN recognizes 251) SOS Mike Pompeo did the Satellite tests Monday via “Voice of America” to all 209 Countries with over 40 languages translating in real time. This has never been done before. This was a test to see how many Network channels would cover it and there wasn’t one. They did it again the next day and they know that they can circumvent Big Tech to communicate with the USA and Canada (first priority) and the rest of the world using the new (EAS) Emergency Alert System.
Everything they are panicked about is the world finding out about their Pedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking Rings they have all profited from for decades. The President loves this country and loves the people and is committed to financially restore all that has been lost since Covid started. Today we have seen Executive orders for GA, PA, CT, UT and LA declaring them a State of Emergency for Disaster. This is for the Military to move into place which will be completed by tonite. The President is very patient and still holds all of the Trump Cards and they know it. He has cornered them all like rats in a corner.
Also keep in mind this is all unprecedented. We are in a war already – people being taken off Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and/or having 1,000’s of followers taken away if you have supported this President or speak out against the lockdowns or vaccines. Even the President himself was silenced. This is communism and it’s already here, this isn’t America… that’s why POTUS will fight. Be patient.
What we need to do is share this to get the message out to Trust the Plan. As Lin Wood said….All Lies will be revealed. The outcome will be Glorious.
We may begin to see things as early as tonite and we are hearing that it will become hot around the 18th-19th.
Stay in Prayer. Stay in Faith. This is for our Freedom and we will WIN!
Thank you for the intel!
Awesome 😎 news!
People say thank you for the intel.do you really think they are going to put real Intel out all over where the enemy can get it?? Commme on I think I’m waking up now. They are not going to put any real Intel out there. Intel is top secret always within our military.
Thank you for truth! God bless President Trump!
God bless the innocent who will surely die. God bless America!I don’t and have never owned a gun. Never will. I’ll ask for God’s protection whatever it may be. If nothing else I’ll go out an American citizen. Who by the way, is a grand daughter of an immigrant who was born on a ship on open waters from Europe.
“There are now 250,000 Chinese troops surrounding us, 75,000 in Canada and the rest in Mexico. The generals said if they set foot in this country they will be wiped out swiftly as they are ready. (I know, this is scary but hang on everything will be fine)”
Is there ANY PROOF of 175,000 Chinese troops being in Mexico right now???
This is serious stuff! Why the hell would they lie about this. Didn’t you know that this was coming. N……A that’s all.
It’s not serious stuff. It’s all made up. Chill out and don’t be so scared and gullible.
I am praying non stop for a successful transition of Trump as president. Jesus I trust in you. God’s will be done
3 times more than usual around capitol for the BIG Inaugriaution!
What do you want a picture of them?
A picture would be good.
Relax. You don’t need pictures.
no but at least some accurate intel from a source
Do your home work
Lol well he just has to Google Chinese army training with Canada
No proof of any of it!!! I voted for Trump twice!!! Let it go!!
That’s what the deep state WANTS you to do. Roll over & give up.
Instead, we must Pray & stay STRONG.
I don’t need proves. I will never give up. I’m Locked and Loaded.
Good thinking..
actually you should have proof,,,,,,,,and there isn’t any cuz none, nada ,zip zero of the above information is true……….ahhhhh why do I bother…….your members of a cult plain and simple…….your minds are shut, you,ve been had!!!
I honestly don’t know why, but I actually feel sorry for you. Perhaps you’ll change your mind when our Commander in Chief takes over on the EBS and lays it all in front of your face?
There is absolutely proof of the 50K Chinese troops in Canada. They have been there for more than 2 weeks and it was even reported in MSM….Mexico was a surprise to me and I’m gonna do more research on that one, but they are definitely in Canada
Lots of proof of Chinese military in Canada!
I don’t know about Mexico, but Justin Trudeau has been cooperating with the CCP as the Canadian troops train jointly with CCP troops in extreme cold battle exercises in Canada.
That joint training was supposed to have been halted when the US government objected along with the Canadian high command. I doubt there are Chinese troops on our borders. I do believe in Trump and continue to hope he will do what he has always done and never quit!
Idk, do we normally “get proof” of all the missions our military are carrying out…nope, sure dont. And I’d say the military tco us pretty darn good.
I have been told by friends who live in Washington State that they have seen the Chinese troops in Vancouver, Canada The numbers are massive and would be consistent of approx 75K individuals and their military equipment. As far as Mexico, I don’t know anyone close enough to confirm
I live in Washington state. Explain to me how your friend have seen massive amounts of Chinese troops in Vancouver, Canada? The borders are closed. I couldn’t get to Vancouver if really wanted to. I call BS. I’m not saying the troops aren’t there, just that nobody from Washington is verifying their existence.
That’s the real reason the border is closed.
They don’t have to prove anything to you at this point
But they do. The truth is still important. No one should ever accept anything at face value. We have a whole country of mind-numbed robots who gobble up anything they’ve been told. People are now reporting their Trump living family members to the FBI now. I encourage you and everyone else on our side to research and find our the veracity of any claim made by anyone. We’re not the left! We educate ourselves and know our facts.
Trump family has been reported on… a thousand times! There is never proof….just someone’s claim and sometimes offered up with a bogus report with no solid evidence…only he said -she said! But…there are signs something is up. Boxes sent in for Trump to move out. Then Trump is reported by liberal news that he’s not moving til day of inauguration. Sounds like he has no plans to move out and those boxes are for loads of evidence planned to be confiscated from crooked politicians. Perhaps Trump is our modern day Moses. Time will tell us everything we need to know abt this being true or false!
you know that nothing is going to change your mind…….ever, you are brain washed
Where do we go to get all this information research?? If you know more tell us all where to go. I Trust this information and will pray accordingly.
At this moment, we don’t know who has accurate info. We shared this as it came from a trusted source in the OKM community. Take everything you see and read to the Lord…
I have LOTS of vids by people in touch with Patriot feds. It’s real, and it’s coming….
If they or we all knew the facts and truth the enemies would be for warned. That like letting the person know there’s a surprise party for them. No way we want to show all our cards they didn’t tell us they were here waiting to come in.
All I can say is I am glad we have our weapons and can help in defending our country from our enemies.
It’s all about timing. There’s many reasons we aren’t told everything and shouldn’t be told everything until the time is right. It’s always been this way and for good reason. Be patient. Be prepared. And pray. Take this time to strengthen your relationship with God and get spiritually strong for whatever comes our way. 🙏🏻
Yeah, idk if I can believe that many Chinese troops in Mexico? IF that were true, the Mex. president, who supports Trump, would be vocal about it…doesn’t make sense does it?
can I give you 42 likes please……..people think they should be contacted before anything is done
You may all be too young to remember this, but when it was announced on the radio during the war that America had dropped the Atom Bomb, Not a single American knew the Atom bomb existed. This is a fact look it up.
there were Chinese in Canada, they may still be here. one of our real news guys received government papers that revealed all that has transpired.
Yes, also a friend of mine in Canada called me and said that the borders were under complete military lock down by Canada and the US troops . The US are the inforcers though. Noone in or out. What this means beats me.
IDK, but sounds to me like gearing up for global Martial Law?
That sounds a little unbelievable. I have relatives in Mexico as do many others. Where are these Chinese troops supposed to be?
We suspect many of the forward reconnoissance Chinese infantry troops are embedded within the numerous large ‘ refuge’ caravaners presently waiting all along the border chanting “ Biden! “
They are drinking tequila waiting to die if they are told to attack us.
I listened to a podcast a few weeks back with an expert on Mexican drug cartels, and the Mexican border. He indicated that he had knowledge of a base 60 miles south of the TX border where approximately 10k military vehicles were confirmed, with many Chinese military personnel confirmed as well. Evidently a truck driver delivering food and supplies was scared to death when brought to deliver a load of goods and stumbled upon the installation.
100% bullshit that man was a nut job ……..
Sooo.., you will believe it when you see it? Awesome! Just….wait…for…it….
I know this..I have a friend in Canada he says he sees the troops, geared up marching..and the 2 guys that work with hubby, go back to Mexico once a month, they come back telling us of the troops there and how they got bigger over time..
These troops are from where?
You don’t know where the troops are from?
Here’s a multiple choice for ya…
A) china
B) China
D) C H I N A ❗❗❗
I got it! They have come to bring the “Big Man” his money. Hunter was busy doing what Hunter does and forgot his billions.
Yeah, you’d think we would have heard something from a very reliable source. Like Canadians aren’t going to notice that there are that many slanty eyed people in their Country, overnight?! LOL!!
Dude seriously! Have you ever been to Vancouver, British? it’s always been nothing but Chinese people here. There is a mall in Richmond bc that doesn’t even have signs in English, street signs are in Chinese too
Is Mexico really gonna allow foreign troops into their country? Even Canada? Doesn’t seem real, Defend to the end!
I’ve read the report of joint military exercises with China in Canada. It’s no secret Trudeau is a globalist and a staunch enemy of President Trump.
Trudeau did agree to joint military exercises with the Chinese to help them with their lack of competency fighting in cold weather conditions which is hurting them in their standoff with India which IS real. The Canadian military high command and the US government strongly objected to Trudeau’s idiot ideas of inviting the Chinese into Canada for joint cold weather training and Trudeau backed down. If the military has locked down the borders we would not know about it until all this is over. There are a helluva lot of troops in DC now, 25K, way more than should be needed for a ‘virtual’ inauguration. Trump never quits when he knows he is right, why should he start quitting now? I have heard about military checkpoints all over DC now controlling access to the city.
Yeah and I hope the Socialists and RINOs and Pelosi know AMERICANS aren’t going to pay the bill. Next thing the drunken Speaker will be saying President Trump had a rally in DC and all of our military came to hear it! Just wait. By Wednesday night if there’s 50,000 Chinese trying to get across the border, she will say there’s a door in it he had put there just for the Chinese bringing money to the “Big Man”.
He has got to go!
Our Canadian friends on FB have seen them and told us. From one coast of Canada to the other. They are worried what happens to them if we lose to the Chinese, so they are praying for POTUS and our military.
I know Chinese Troops have been in Canada for a while now so that part is definitely true
China bought 150 acres in Oklahoma in the PAST 6 months. They have developed military compounds in Mexico and Jamaica. I have been following this for almost a year.
Not to mention China was trying to buy out American defense companies. GE that builds our military plain engine’s. Trump stopped that. That was the reasons for 744 billion dollar defense budget.
Gates is buying up farmland in U.S. He doesn’t seem like the shit kickin’ type… 🤔
I just read that Bill Gates owns the LARGST AMOUNT OF FARMLAND IN THE U S A.
That’s not good. He has an evil ulterior motive as to the reason he is buying up farmland. Maybe to grow non GMO crops or something more devious?
He’s making sure we don’t waste it on real food. It’s a CONTROL thing! But soon his plans plots & tricks will be doomed!
Do you know where in Oklahoma? I’m curious cause we live in OK. I hope it’s not in our neighborhood!
They plan to build a deep port in the Bahamas. They say for shipping. But sounds like to be able to attack us fast.
Oh God help us..We need you.. why they doing that?
Ya I’d like to know that one too. Wouldn’t our Satellites picked up on that movement
a long time ago??? Something’s fishy about that part.
I was thinking that also. I’ve read a few of these similar but this 1 added Chinese. 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Here’s the proof. Check out this site. It has video of Chinese troops out for a “stroll” & a map of where they are stationed.
What site?
I’ve been hearing for at least a decade about Chinese troops in Mexico. I have read recent articles that Chinese troops have been in Canada training for cold weather combat. What I have a hard time believing, is that they are announcing these plans on social media. I pray to our lord and savior that this is all true, and God reigns over this country once again. But I will believe it when I see it. I have every faith in our president Donald Trump. I have no faith in those in his cabinet or the rest of the government!
How do we share the is s story?
The President of Mexico likes Trump he’d not let Chinese troops in and if they overran his country we’d know. Has there been any of our troops sent to the borders?
I’ve heard this before. 6-8 months ago from another source. There was also an article about Trudeau allowing the Chinese army to drill with them in Canada. That was about 6 weeks ago maybe?
I’ve heard similar info about the opposing forces in Canada and Mexico from a YouTube channel called Israeli News Live. He used to work in the intelligence that are abbreviated with three letters.
Think about this, why would President Trump go to the Texas border wall with just one week left in office! Seems obvious he would have no other reason than to make sure border patrol were at the ready. Just my perspective and gut feeling.
The Japanese did not want to come to the mainland America because they said” behind every blade of grass will be a rifle barrel looking back at them”!!! I think the Chinese are smart enough to figure this out,also!!!!
I am scared, why do they want to hurt us. What happened to Our Loving Country. They are already trying to steal our freedom.
Please explain where in Canada these groups have landed there stinky feet please!
Just an FYI…. I have seen comments on FB, just ordinary people testifying as to seeing these troops. Most of them were in Canada.
I thought it was cold in China. They have to go to Canada to learn to make their plans because Canada cold. Maybe we could send them to Mars. They would be nice and warm there. I don’t know if our spaceships will hold 50,000 but we want to be helpful in anyway we can. Our Beautiful First Lady Melania said we have to “Be Best”!
Trump is a very hard working generous man . It is beyond disrespect to the office of President. Growing up if anyone’s tried sooo hard to prove I , or a friend, wrongly it was to put a feather in his or her own cap and hide the lies this evil person was doing. Well same here, From first month Trump in office his enemies were plotting to oust him be a they knew he will play by our Constitutional rules. I believe Trump really won the election. There’s way too much evidence coming out to say so. I foresee a change in status of President elect. I have a feeling not all in the plot will live the 4 years and other countries will be ready to eat us up due to our lack of unity and a new president easily swayed by money and amnesty for his family members
They started the assassination attempts before he was even inaugurated the first time!!
And worked on impeachment #2 right after Senate voted no on impeachment #1!
I heard they might try a third!
I don’t understand everyone seems to know trump should stay he really won but yet why don’t someone lay it all out and stop all this and keep trump in
I think its not over yet.
Simple. They are afraid of the left/Democrats. Republicans tend to be forgiving and hoping their peaceful demeanor will soften the Democrats. They say their standards for behavior are higher. Then you have the RINOs who just want in on the gravytrain, even as it hurts Americans and America. The SCOTUS betrayed the citizens in favor of protecting themselves and not angering the Democrats out of fear the Dems would add very radical judges; enough that the Dems would be able to control decisions. All legislatures and governors who did not allow investigations and did not throw out fraudulent ballots are to blame. The fear of acknowledging the fraudulent election is the fear of civil war. They don’t understand that not addressing the fraud is what will put people over the top.
Why don’t we just have the election over and everyone bring picture ID and voter registration like we hillbillies in Mississippi do? We don’t mail in nothin. Gov. REEVES would have “our head on a platter” (figure of speech). But he darned sure wouldn’t like it.
There are cells of Chinese inside.. Please hear me!! Yes I have set eyes on them!!!
John Hager, Well, speak up man! WHERE did you see 175,000 Chinese TROOPS? I am in New Mexico. If they are in Canada, that’s too close for me.
Same here man I live along the Rio Grande and I hope this ain’t true, its SUS!
Since when is Canada close to NM?
They are going to get them too.
WHERE? Give locations!
The PM of Canada signed a treaty with China saying that Chinese troops can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments without the knowledge of local authorities.
i thought canada was our friend, this is so scary
We are. We despise Trudeau. Ontario and Quebec carry the majority of votes in this country. This may explain the military troops along those 2 provinces borders. The remainder of Canada would love to see Trudeau taken out. 👍🇺🇸
The people of Canada are with us. The leaders there are who’s against us.
Look forward to updates
man you took too much acid in high school
You won’t be saying that when this all goes down right before the 20th.You will be like the people of Noah’s time when the flood waters came, begging to be let in the boat after mocking Noah and God.
I will be coming back to this site on the 20th. I will add a single upvote to this post at that time 😉
No need to. Nobody cares if you believe or not. It’s either all true or all is lost. The plan has already been set. And it will unfold in the military’s timeline. We get mad it’s not done already. We don’t know the plan, just asked to trust it. I’m going to stock up on popcorn. You do what you want. Peace out ✌🏻
Clearly no one cares. That’s why they reply 😉 You’ve got this 👍🏼
We at Omega Kingdom Ministry care. Stay in this fight. Choose your side wisely.
no I wont……
why would I mock your god? It’s you I would mock for believing in the sky fairy!!
Jan. 10,2021, 10:25 a.m. Driving to church. One vehicle ahead of me, traveling at a speed less than I. As I overtook the vehicle, New Mercedes Tall box van, 2 rear window cutouts filled with white bubble type plastic, formed like a bubble in the window cut out but at the bottom of the bubble was a 3inch opening, much like a funnel. These were in both of the swing out doors.
As I passed, the cab portion of the vehicle, there was only one person in the cab. That person was of Asian descent. What caught my eye the most was the baby blue hazmat suit they had on. Front was zipped and hood up and over the head.. You decide!!! Once past them and a distance away, I could not get them to close the distance so I could take another look, even dropping to 40 mph on a 70 mile an hour freeway!!!
WOW… if only he would have been driving highway speeds and, possibly, not be a very observing driver, I would have been very tempted to follow him to see if he landed somewhere locally.
You really ought not to drive while you’re high.
You really don’t know us do you? Worse, you really don’t know the Lord do you?
I find those that poke fun are really just covering themselves. They are too afraid to believe and be disappointed. It’s ok. We’ll find out soon enough
Maybe they were going to do a job a cleanup job did you get a license plate number to follow them
I find it interesting that you had such an encounter without feeling the need to alert the authorities.
If the blue hazmat was in, zipped and the hood on how could you see they were Asian?
That’s what they said to Noah…and then the rain came…
You’re just jealous because you’re not having any flashbacks.
Why are you are here if you don’t believe!? Just curious 🙏
Really interesting
I don’t think our hearts can bear false hope. I pray that this is correct. I just had a beautiful daughter, and deserves to be raised in the land of the free. Not the land of the corrupt & pedophiles.
Cassie, At the very least, there are millions of VETS that took an oath and will Keep The Oath. That means we will protect and defend YOU too.
Even when you think its safe a family member can do it. Dont trust anyone. sorry to say.
Thank you for the intel and fir telling everyone how much POTUS cares and what he is doing for us. 🙏🙏🙏
Did you ever believe that the deep state ran as deep as it does? That there are so many people that are willing to sell their soul for personal enrichment with total disregard for the consequences of destroying the best and freest government ever built by man.
There is not enough wisdom in our government available today to reproduce that of the founders.
God help us.
Couldn’t have said it better than that it’s pretty much from the supreme court all the way down to the local state judges doctors lawyers pretty much any profession that you have to understand a completely different vocabulary to actually be able to understand it has been over run by people who don’t have morals and will sell anyone out for a few bucks and alot of them will even let you or someone they don’t know die for profit or they litterly profit from are misery it’s a shame
you sure have a dim view of people……you,ve all lost touch with reality
The Deep State AKA The Swamp is so deep that you can see it’s backside, the PRC on the on the side of the planet!
In and only through your Holy rigorous Son Jesus Christ! Amen
O Wow…Thanks for intel indeed.
I’m in and standing by
I am surprised to see such intel displayed so openly. What’s the catch?
Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
If this is intel and so secretive why is it posted for everyone to see?
wow just…..wow………this is cult stuff
The MSM is cult stuff
with a pinch of CNN.
Thank you so much for giving me hope. May God bless President Trump and all of the men and women fighting for the truth.
Thank you Be safe ….Remember God loves you!!!!
God is still in Control!!!🙌✝️🙌
Appreciate it but if calls are listened to what makes you think this isn’t seen? If things are stealth driven why are the details out there? Sceptical…..
Thank you for the update! God bless our President and God bless America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks for the intel hope it’s filmed so we can all watch it go down
I love our President Trump. I think he has done a great job the past 4 years. At least he is puts the American people first. We need him in office another 4 years to continue to clean up the mess the last President’s made in the past. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY AND BLESS THE USA.
Continuously praying for our potus snd our country🙏🙏may the the Lord have mercy on us and keep our country safe🙏🙏
I’ve been scared sick that nothing was being done! I have prayed that OUR PRESIDENT is taken care of this horrible situation but I heard him say ; the best is yet to come! Thank you POTUS and General Flynn!
This is, definitely, the good news we Patriots have been waiting for! Thank you for sharing it with us so that we can be prepared!
Wow! Praise God 🙏🏻
I’m old, and have seen a many things, but never anything like this! Nothing would surprise me now. We are about out of time, if we don’t do something very soon, we will be like Venezuela! POOR, DESPERATE, UNARMED, STARVING, PEOPLE, CAN’T DO ANYTHING! It’s now, or never!
Thank you 🙏 God Bless America Our President and Our Fellow Patriots 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪♥️
Thank you for the update.
God protects and guides President Trump, I all he does.
“Ok we had another Zoom call last night with retired Generals, Colonels and also Lin Wood. ”
Using Zoom for this? Zoom servers are in China. All programmers of Zoom are outsourced to mainland China.
Generals and Colonels have much more secure means of communication than a public company like that. Even big corporations use private channels with encryptions.
I think this whole thing is the product of a fevered imagination. If you start with an assumption that DJT is always right and just, then there are very few other ways to explain what’s happening in America today. If you question that initial assumption, even a little, it all falls apart.
We can rebuild America’s foundation by asking God to make us the kind of people in whom He can work, so we operate in conjunction with “The Biblical Basis of America’s’ Bill of Rights!
I have heard each of these points laid out on other websites/videos. The quote: “Trust the Plan” is Q‘esqe, not bad, but there is some suspicion. I pray that the words prove true; however, I am skeptical.
Our country is under the judgment of the Almighty God. We have allowed too many sins to be celebrated. Never, in the history of the world, has such behavior gone unnoticed by God, to his extreme displeasure. America must repent, in sackcloth and ashes, if we are to realize God’s blessings again.
God has heard our prayers and is moving on our behalf. Many will be judged, but those who have stood strong on His promises and His Word and prayed, will be rewarded in the days to come. He is about to “part the Red Sea” so to speak. It will be something that no man will be able to receive the glory for. Only God will be glorified and He will NOT be mocked. He is about to show Himself in a big way and Trump will be in office 4 more years, even if Biden is sworn in. All evil and corruption will be exposed and justice will be served! Stand strong people of God and know that America was chosen by God to bring His message of hope to a lost and dying world. We’re about to see a move of God unlike any ever seen or experienced before. Keep your faith and draw closer to Him so that you can be used to bring in this last harvest, so that when you stand before Him you will hear “Well done, good and faithful servant!”🙌🏼❤️🙏🏻
Oh , my heavens, I pray you are right but somebody’s having to approve all my comments be side they don’t fit their narratives.
Awesome! Prayers are being answered!!!
YES…..I now have some hope for our country….I pledge Allegiance, To The Flag, of The United States of America, and to The Republic, for which It stands, One Nation, Under God and Indivisible. With Liberty and Justice For All.
Outstanding article… will send out to all and ask they do same.
Blessings to our President, our First Lady, their family, all who are supporting and out amazing Military. God bless us all. ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️
“Almighty Father we give you all the praises and glory!
Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.””
Isaiah 40:4-5
Wow, thanks for the heads up…God bless you.
Thank you
I read this somewhere else as well! It was one of a very few posts that made sense and calmed me. I felt like it was the most plausible thing I have read! I absolutely pray to my Heavenly Father that it is true, and I pray for the strength for me and the rest of the country to get through it well!
I am fed up withe Dems who lie, corrupt govt dealings with foreign gifts, derelict Hunter, dems who show their hatred for Trump which they used to impeach the first time and held them back from working the truth for 4 treats. There are dems who needs to be held accountable, Nancy, Chuckie, Liz, Al, Sheila, Maxine, Pochahontas, Bernie, Biden mafia, Obama, Hillary, Spartacus, Kamala and many more. Hatred lies deep with the Dems.
does not
Amen ,,Amen ,,Amen!!!!
Amen!….This nation was founded on God’s Word & belongs to His childrens.
GOD bless America and my brothers and sisters. God be with us all and your family and friends. United we stand. Not Divided!
Trump has always worked for the people against all odds. God bless him today and always.
Totally not.
I also don’t believe mr Trump has given up
I’d like to know the source of this intel. Is it reliable, creditable, and the truth? If so, how do you know? Thank you!
I do hope this is all true! However, I have learned the hard way to question the source before believing what is said. We have been lied to for so many years mostly by mainstream media, that I want to know where any important information is coming from!
Thank you for the truth. Our family has had Faith and said a lot of prayers that President Trump will get the election he won fairly, by We The People Vote.
God be with u all
Wow, thanks for the info I’ve needed for quite awhile that preserves my sanity. I hope the News keeps coming.
This was just reported to the FBI stand down patriots POTUS will not approve they want to end us don’t let them
I have been taken off Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and/or having 1,000’s of followers taken away if you have supported this President or speak out against the lockdowns or vaccines. I’m tired and ready for the end. I can’t imagine what President Trump has endured.
Thank you so much ..We were aware but ,afraid for Pres.Trump…The disease in this country is the democrats
Fun to think it could happen. Certainly not real.
Lovin it, bring them all down an send them to Gitmo for treason
Thank you for uncovering the cover up on our land. God Bless you President Trump.
My husband who is now a disabled veteran and myself want to say, Thank you for your service to our country.
Thank you President Trump for all your hard work saving America and it’s Citizens, God Bless you and the great people helping you.♥️🇺🇸♥️👍
I have been researching all of this ever since the shutdown of the covid scare so I know this to be true. I have been inpatient but knew how critical it was to trust the plan and do know how real that we were so close to being completely controlled by the communist party of China. The lies of the mainstream media brainwashing has worked to divide us and create HATE, they did a great job conquering their agenda. It will be hard to reverse the thinking of some because that’s how brainwashing works, the repetitive narrative on all TV media’s is so many people’s outlet of information, so you were fed their lies to be truth. There are people who question and others who don’t, the ones who questioned dug deeper for answers, the others were content with what they were told, those were the ones who wore the mask even though they were told they don’t work and the same people who believe that getting a vaccine would save them and not believing in their own immune system and still knowing that the virus was 99.4 to 99.7% recovery rate. If there is anything you should learn is THINK FOR YOURSELVES! Nobody should have any control over “YOU” ‼️ That is what freedom is ‼️
Trump was anointed by God to save USA 🇺🇸and the Rest of the world 🌎. Our job is to support Trump all the way and keep praying. This is Spiritual battle against the forces of Satan which we will WIN with Jesus Christ in our side. We will continue praying knowing that our Blessed Mother Mary, St Joseph and all the Holy Angels and Saints are praying with us. Be courageous, be strong and be Faithful. Miracles will happen before our eyes as long as we surrender everything to our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Savior and Redeemer of the World. ❤️🙏❤️
MS San Jose,
I am with you 100%. 9 years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer with 30 days to live on morphine. God gave me one order before he made the Cancer disappear. Tell my people that ” God is Alive and Still Performing Miracles.” I followed his command and I was Cancer free in 3 months and I am 8 years Cancer Free. Keep the words of Faith coming.
John M. Olivarez
Independence Missouri
I live in Independence Mo.. God bless you!
Awesome, sounds just right, look forward to the trigger being pulled on mass…
God be with President Trump and our soldiers
God protect President Trump, our soldiers, and the American people. Lord send out mighty Angelic Warrior and Protective Angels to surround The United States of America, President Trump, Our Brave Military, and The American People. Bring down and abolish the evil plots and plans of all these evil people trying to bring this nation down and remove these evil politicians from government office. AND LORD FOREIGN ENEMIES AND MILITARY FORCES THAT WANT TO INVADE THE US HOLD THEM BACK AND POWERLESS WITH YOUR MIGHTY HAND. Amen
I’m sure hoping to believe in all this, but I am glad that at least a potential action against these treasonous politicians may take place
Viruses are not living and they don’t exist outside of the body. The only way to ‘catch’ a virus is by injection. Viruses are not as described.
all the above is true.
Amen 🙏
This is pretty scary
I believe this is true, I have been listening to some other gentleman who have been basically saying the same thing, our President does care about us all, just stay calm and let this all play out, God is in charge and I believe that God is there with president Trump and guiding him through this all!
God led me to Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward who you can find on Rumble.com
And what is going to be your talking points when none of this happens? Let me guess POTUS decided it wasn’t the right time and he’ll wait until another time and day.
I will stop sharing talking points and open a shelter for animals…
It looks a like lined up to jail!😂😅🤣😂😡
Thank you for intel n waiting for action!!!🛐
This is so ridiculous and absurd. Enjoy literally none of this happening by next Tuesday when Biden is lawfully inaugurated.
How do you lawfully inaugurate an illegal illegitimate president? Hypocrisy at its best
isn’t this a trip? so many mushy wormy brains……
Great story. I pray this is all true. Someone I know in Texas saw N Guard troops mobilizing , don’t know if they are going to the Texas State House, or DC. Where ever our Guard and Reserve troops, and all our Active Duty personnel are, I pray for their safety and well being,
They’re gathering at the Capitol in Austin. Maybe elsewhere, too. State offices downtown are mostly closed already. I don’t know if businesses are boarding up yet or not.
This is scary but they must be stopped an held accountable
There is A LOT of wrong disinformation in this article. I prayed about it, and God told me to comment. The brainwashing must stop. Biden is our new President, and you absolutely should wear a mask if you are a Jesus follower and love others as He loved us.
Love your neighbor like you love yourself❤️
My aunt just sent me and other family members this article. I just wanna say..can you please just stop. You are a disease. Spreading false information, you are sick. You have put the President on pedestal. Our presidents are not to be worshipped, they’re not to idolized. That is why most democrats, if not all, don’t go around parading with Biden flags or I love Biden merchandise. Stop and think about the division you create in this country when you publish filth like this. That is all. Have a nice day.
I’m with my president if the time comes where I’m needed I will load my truck and go to do what is needed to keep this country free for my daughters Love my country love my President
John, Thank you for standing Strong during this time of upheaval in our country and your willingness to defend the Constitutional Republic…our Freedoms. Lynne
Thank God and Thank you for sending this out and keeping us in the loop!
This is how I look at it if something isn’t done the day or the day after the inauguration I sure hope you don’t think 75 million people just going to sit back and say okay cuz that’s not going to happen you got some angry people out here especially on the child trafficking and the lies has been close to the American people
So what are these 75 million people going to do? Start murdering their neighbors? I’m sure a few will. What are you going to do? Are you going to start shooting people?
Please don’t.
Thanks for the Intel. Maybe plain old common sense will.prevsil.
Praying for those in authority over us to continue their jobs, standing in agreement with God that this operation is successful! God bless the POTUS& all those involved in this massive undertaking! Peace & safety for all on the front lines!
By the sounds of it WE THE PEOPLE our voices have been heard
I Will Be So Very Happy To Finally See All These Criminal Politician’s And Criminal’s Finally Arrested. What Happened Was “Voter Fraud”, Which Was An Attempt To Overthrow Our Great President, And Our Country. This Was “High Treason”, Which Is Still Punishable By Being Put Before A “Firing Squad”. I Pray They All Get What They Deserve. I Also Pray That All They’re Asset’s And Property’s Are Instantly Frozen, And Sold Off To Pay All Our Debt’s Off. However, China Should Not Be Paid, Since They initiated Much Of This. Instead American Loss’s Due To This Voter Fraud, And COVID Virus Should Be Deducted From America’s Debt To China, And Other’s!
Panic folks do reactive things meaning thoughtless. Like a trapped animal they struck at everything. If allowed to continue we Moses events like what happened in Kosovo.
Thank you for this not so harsh, bearable report which is same info I’ve received today. I know we can’t have all the info so I’m glad to find a reliable source to share😇
Praying for our Country and citizens to be saved. As for our enemies, foreign and domestic.. you reap what you sow…prayers for Ameica!!
I am hoping for something to keep Trump in office. The alternative is too gruesome to contemplate.
Awsome take back America
I voted for Trump
I pray this is for real. God Bless President Trump
This is media that you don’t want to be listening to!! You cannot seriously buy into this shit at the cost of your country!
The only one betraying anyone is trump betraying you!
Please keep me posted on what Potus is doing to keep us safe..
I pray it’s true minus the Chinese
Is there really any truth to this? He will need the complete support of the Military Brass. Does he have that? I absolutely want a reaction to the corruption but question the reality of the information.
God I Hope So. An Pray Like Crazy for our Country to win and Win Big!!! I’m All In.
I hope so. Lock up Obama and Hillary too!
I will be praying for our country and everyone involved for safety!!🙏
Not since Charlie Brown’s hold out for the Great Pumpkin has there been such blind devotion to a myth. I pray for you and everyone else that bought into this fantasy.
I so hope he is correct. I have heard this from several different places now, so I’m excited to hear it again. We could be facing a tough 10 days os so, but with Gods help we will pecevere.
God bless all that is holy and God bless President Trump
Hahahah you guys believe this shit? Better buy my bridge from me in Brooklyn 😂😂
Thank you and God protect our President and his family. Also God give us all the wisdom to stay safe. In Jesus’s name amen!
Oklahoma doesn’t surprise me. China purchased property there to begin their seige. (sp) I learned a lot of this information from good friends of mine on face book. When they stated that they had put up the fence at the capital, I knew that the rats were on the run….
you for this great news. We need too know that there is hope and what is going on.
God bless president trump
I would like to know why Mexico and Canada let the Chinese onto there soil to attack us… And think God for giving us President Trump…..
Join the discussion
Always in Prayer America’s President! Thank you for the update! It makes a lot more sense than anything on the news!
There are many red flags with this. First, why would our leaders even allow the enemy to put a quarter million troops right on our borders. Canada and Mexico are our allies..Second, You tell us China released a biological weapon on us, but in the next breath you say dont wear a mask, get together and assemble if you want and resist safety measures. You say they faked the death counts because “They needed the death counts to rise to continue their plan to take over our country.” But, our own President told us the death counts were rising! Youre also saying a new world currency will be put in place. But that is exactly the plan of the Satanic New World Order. So, I must say, Im more than a little skeptical at this whole damn thing.
We ask you to take it to the Lord as we do. Choose your path, that’s what Free Will is.
I only PRAY this comes to pass…..
I’m sure most Lefties in DC have heard this already….it’s been around for over a week. So they aren’t preparing for this too??? This story is a little hard to swallow….sorry.
I think the explanation is: “They are too brainwashed by the media. DJT is being subtle to get them off guard.”
I guess that’s what’s hardest to swallow about all this. It’s easier for me to imagine millions of people keeping a conspiracy quiet than to imagine DJT being subtle about anything. Love him or hate him, subtlety is not his signature.
I am a Believer. I believe that this plan has been in the works for quite some time now. God said (paraphrased), “They who Bless my people (Israel), I will Bless. They who curse my people, I will curse “. Israel is the apple of God’s eye, not America or any other country. It appears clear to me that God is giving America yet another chance for redemption. President Trump is His tool, His chosen leader at this time in our history. Trump is an imperfect man. Throughout Biblical history God chose imperfect men to accomplish His plans, we know why! I further believe that God will not allow evil men to destroy America. God is doing wonderous things right in front of our eyes. Remember, to God the thanks and the Glory, not President Trump. He is but a mere mortal, a vessel of God!
I am so very appreciative for this information! God bless Trump and our country!
You are a wacadoodle sir. I will bet anyone 10k that none of this happens. We will, however, hear the excuse as to why it didn’t around 1/21/21. And that it’s still coming down the road. And come 1/21/22 you will still be talking about how it will soon be happening. I’ve been hearing all of this b.s. for years. Even before trump was president.
Well wacadoodle to you too! If I’m right, please send your check to Omega Kingdom Ministry:
P.O. Box 104
Wolf Lake
Indiana, 46796
Be Blessed!
Well well well, I was just commenting yesterday to my lovely wife that I was wondering what happened to you. I knew you were still out there doing the work of the Lord. Great post Kev! I’ve been waiting all my life for what’s going to happen! It’s a wonderful time to be alive
Had to leave FB (ww surveilence system). See our gathering Sundays at 10 am omegakingdomministry channel on UT…Yes, next 4 days!!!!!
thank you we the people are with you mr. trump…
Great Intel. Thank you for putting it together.
God Bless! WWG1WGA
I am a conservative republican and a former United States Marine who voted for Trump. Stop spreading this bullshit about Chinese Troops on our boarders. Stop spreading fear. I can’t believe anyone would believe this crap.
Thou shall not bare false witness against thy neighbor!!!
The Capitol Building attack was Antifa and BLM driven – all tactical deception as they call it in the military. It’s common practise.
I am praying for our world 🌍. On Earth as it is in Heaven. My heart is full of 💕
Thanks for keeping us up to date . May the Lord bless us all and especially President Trump.
Yes, keep the prayers going and thank you for giving us this info
Joyous news for sure…..NEVER GIVE UP ON TRUMP…he’s for real, always has been. The one man on the planet I regret not meeting. GOD Bless everyone, this will be GLORIUS!
Bless God+++
God Bless America and God Bless President Trump‼️
this is totally bogus. you guys are heavy into the q anon crap. Deprogramming is needed. Quickly.
Thank You For All Of The Info !
Thank you for the details. We have waited so long and finally the storm is here.
Greatest president in the history of the United States
I thought this all along. I’ve been praying for the Truth to come out. Thank you President Trump for not giving up.
Where is the proof of Chinese forces around our nation?
Ok good to know !!
I will believe this when I see it
Watch the video on this page.
I watched the video. That looks like about 75 troops. Where are the other 74,925? Why are there no other videos?
Also, why aren’t they wearing modern Chinese camo? That looks like Type 99 which hasn’t been in use since 2007.
Wait, this video is from March 2018. Are they saying Chinese troops have been in Canada this whole time?
Here’s an article about it: https://www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com/news/island-video-clip-promotes-u-s-conspiracy-theory/
I appreciate this & am sharing far &wide!
It’s like waiting for a baby… they come when their ready and the wait is painful…
Thank you pots and patriots may God keep you all safe we are with you
Please keep us informed on what we should do. Tysvm for everything
Like he said, PRAY for the sovereignty of this great Nation; Pres. Trump is NOT a stupid man and he DOES love the USA. He gave up his life and his presidential pay to help this Nation ; the least we can do is pray that God is in control and gives him wisdom to handle any attack on the USA because we KNOW he’s the only hope to save our Nation. Trump is NOT owned by China like other politicians are.
Thank you so much for this information! I would like to share to some friends and family members. Please, how can I share this article?
I hope and Pray every night That President Trump will still be our POTUS for 4 more years instead I’d Evil Biden.
That you for all the info.
As much as I’d want four more years of Trump, I’ll come back the afternoon of the 20th so you can explain how you got it wrong. There’s basically nothing verifiable here.
Yes I believe your right. Nothing there except we are going into a Marxist Government. With Biden & Harris and that Crazy Nut Pelosi .
WE WILL WIN. (NO, WE HAVE ALREADY WON) No question about that
There is a line from an old Disney cartoon, “Sleeping Beauty” Where Prince Philp is battling The evil Dragon Maleficent. His shield has been blasted away by her fiery breath. All he has left is his sword. He draws back to through his only chance at destroying the beast. Just then one of the three guardian fairs flies up and enchants the sword with these words. And I remember them so well. “Oh sword of truth fly swift and sure. That EVIL DIES, and GOOD ENDURES!” Any of us who remember that scene knows what happens next. I pray dear God, make it so.
We have been hearing listening and praying. Praying for Pres. Trump and our country!!! Good info, thanks.
This is the second time I’ve received this….so therefore I will stand fully armed with GOD’S armor. Since October I’ve held onto these chapters in 2 Samuel 15 -18: 1-15; 1 Kings 1 -2:1 -46; Isaiah 35 -37…..recorded in these chapters are conspiracies against chosen leaders and taunting about the power of GOD to save his people….GOD wins by giving men the power, wisdom and strategy to overcome! Finally, Psalms 68 and 58 are some of the passages that I have been praying.
May the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob arise and scatter his enemies and bring forth his plans for this nation.
Well, sounds like the Chinese is trying to surround our country and take it by force…BUT they dont know how Great Pres. Trump is.. What a great mind and abilities he has. Keep focus…America will overcome..KEEP FAITH in OUR LORD ! and also in OUR PRES. TRUMP..
Keep us informed…
Delusional from beginning to end. Blasphemers don’t end up where they thin they will.
How we can verify if Chinese are in Mexico? Thank you for the info but I need to see evidence of Chinese in Mexico. Sound hard to believe
Very good news I ha e been following it very closely God help our trump family our military and our people
This doesn’t make sense. What I mean is that our generals are telling us of a vast military operation coming soon, but they have to pass the word through civilians. What? Every post like this is accessible by any antifa radical! So what was the point of Flynn not doing an interview with Newsmax? And, our commander in chief has to hide or the left will “hunt him down” and kill him. What? If a leader is in danger of being killed, he obviously doesn’t have a strong army defending him. And “shutting off the power” is going to win this battle for us? How? It will only endanger people who are medically fragile. I am a Trump supporter but this “intel” is so lame it doesn’t hold water. Is this how America fought in past wars?
We are all caught up in an information war. We received the letter from a reliable friend of this ministry. You don’t have to believe any of it. We are a community helping each other
as best we can. If this is all wet, and Biden and the Chinese are now in control cause we got bad info and shared it with you, you won’t have to worry about us, we’ll either be
dead or on the run as Harris and team will be after us. We’ve already had someone send us a note they have reported us to the FBI….guessing we might be over the target…
The whole “Harris is coming after us” thing came from a liberal hoax site called “America’s Last Line of Defense”.
Thank God, not sure I could outrun those Converse flyers….
The difference is it’s on our doorstep why else would our President tolerate 4 yrs of bs. This I believe and pray is a well planned sting. Trust in the Lord with all thyne ❤️
“RESIST!” Indeed…say NO more!
Can I get elaboration on the OKC email?? Being from OK this information ABSOLUTELY deflects on my family. Tinker Air Force Base is VERY IMPORTANT in this operation..
Trump 2020. God bless and Thank You for this information 🙏
I have been praying that God would help our President Donald Trump bring these people to Justice
Wow. Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks for the update.
In matters as important as these, FACT or FICTION?
As the old saying goes: “Time will tell!”
Dates, occurrences, and specific actions have been outlined. If dates and performance go to past and then to: “any day now”, I call BS.
If the events happen as stated 🙂
As much as I want all the statements in this blogpost to be true, can you provide links to prove them? How do you know there are 250,000 Chinese trioops surrounding us? Or why were you in on a zoom call with the generals and do you have evidence of that? Or what proof do you have of President Trumps’ call to the mayor of Oklahoma City and the Insurrection Act? As I said, I wish all of this were true, but how are you in a position to know this and what evidence can you offer us?
We can’t prove any of it and we said in the very first para a warning. The source who sent it to us is a friend of this ministry.
The disinfo is out there. We will post any sources we find that refute what’s here if we find it. Do some research on your own
if you need to and share what you find…
Have faith not fear
Praise God !!! Let Justice Be Served For President Donald J Trump And All Americans !!!
Listening conservative
Thank you God, for giving us President Donald John Trump. Thank you also for all of the corruption being exposed.
May God Bless the President of the United States for protecting our Sacred Country and its citizens from harm. May God Bless His Family Also!
Utter nonsense. You clowns are dangerously deluded.
I hope 🤞🏻 and I PRAY 🙏🏻 that this is all true and it comes to fruition!
encouraging fran
Thank you for this excellent post that I will widely share. Yes, I firmly believe in the heart and spirit of America, and that it will be sustained by the actions taken by our great Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump and those supporting him. 🇺🇸
🗽 #Ibelieve
Please, please, please STOP LISTENING TO LIN WOOD. The man is insane
God bless Trump, America and the American people! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I support Trump all the way. I believe there’s going to be a big event of some kind. But is the ‘above’ blog suppose to be secret intel? Think about it… if we can read this, so can the rest of the world. That’s a little weird.
this is great!!
Why would they let something this important out on the net if this was true. In a military operation wouldn’t they want this top secret until the trap is sprung.
Thank you.
Wow. Wow oh Wow.
Thank you for sharing this information!
All mankind is witnessing the Law of Love asserting Itself in our minds to remind us that there is only One Creation. The devil ( mortal thinking) has no power to usurp our Original and only Divine Mind that created us. The battle is the Lord’s and we only need to heed His Law, our Divine Mind won’t allow negative (empty/unloving) thoughts to challenge our already established Kingdom in Mind. We are well equipped for this spiritual warfare. The negative/enemy mindset cannot withstand the Mind of Love/Truth. 🤗❤️
Thank You PRESIDENT TRUMP! 🙏🙌💯🇺🇲
Praying for The Lord Almighty to go in front of us with His army. Please have mercy on us. Protect our POTUS snd his family.🙏🏻✝️
This sounds too good to be true! I hope it is true .
We are now a Republic, right?
I’ll believe it only when I actually see it.
Sounds fanciful , I wish it were true , I believe if God wants Trump in there he will be at some point, but not by the cunning of man , but the will of God. IF the Lord started this work he will finish it, from what Kim Clement prophesied the next hammer to fall is an expose ( Another Snowden) on the DNC and troubling to the RNC and will take out two supreme court justices. So far Kim is has been convincingly accurate , Biden may be inaugurated , but Kim prophesied ” go back” and there would be no more corruption in the white house. And that there would be a great spirtual shaking in America.
I served in the US Army and on the US Navy I am a Proud Veteran of Two Wars-Viet Nam and the Gulf. If my Country needs me again, just say the the word-I am Ready!!!
Thanks 4 your service Richard. Bcuz of people like u we r truly free! I hope this is just going 2 be a cyber war with some amazing surprises. That’s all I want to say right now.
🙏🙏god bless President Trump keep him safe America needs him
You guys are crazy, this is giving me very much North Korea, do y’all know how the Kim’s came in control, y’all are doing the same with this paranoia bull, y’all talk about faith but God says to idolize no other yet look at y’all, the shock y’all will be receiving when y’all come back to the real world.
Thank you for explaining all you have! I’ve found all this to be true, and so much to know out there it’s hard to teach others these facts, because it’s a long story that has been going on for years!Trump is no accidental! And there is a higher power or God out there that has a handle in all this !so if you want to help ,,, send lots of prayers to Trump, and family, and to America !
The lord said If you are nither COLD nor HOT I will SPUE you OUT of my MOUTH.. thats the name aahh that TUNE
Why have Canadians I know told me they’ve seen no Chinese troops in their cities?
More conspiracy theories one after another just a way for Trump to stay in power to start a war!!
I heard the Texas boarder was packed with military. Blimps in the air. From a trucker in the area. Is this true?
I have been so faithful believing God, Trump & Patriots would prevail but waned a bit today for first time. The inauguration was getting so close & my Conservative sources kept backing up on their timelines. Thank God, whom I give all the glory! Its been so exciting watching this correction in our Hell Bound world. What fighters God/Jesus/Holy Spirit has anointed in Trump, his attorneys, his REAL supporters in Gov’t, the MILITARY, the millions of citizens ready to come to arms, truth tellers in Media. What a time to be alive!!!
Praise God. I needed to hear this. I am willing to die for my country. Right now there is so much disinformation out there that Patriots are hanging in there trusting the plan. That said, we need to hear news like this. I believe our president was chosen by the Lord n God has a plan fir us!
Father. protect President Trump from the enemies who want to destroy his soul and body, YOU have a plan and nothing is going to stop it. It is time to get on our knees to confess our sins and pray for revival.
lol Chinese troops in Canada and Mexico! This is nonsense….
Tremendous. I have been praying and talking this up, and having faith all along.
This is all pretty hilarious. Having said that, I know at least 3 people in my extended circle of friends, of whom I’ve considered pretty smart people up until now, that would believe all of this. ALL of it. 🤦♂️
‘ We do have faith in the folks who have shared this with us’
Who shared this information with you? It would add legitimacy to it if we knew who supplied you with this information. Thank you.
I have a really hard time believing this.
If this was the plan then why in hell would they put the plan out on the internet where anyone can gain access to the information ????
If your enemy knows your plan of attack then they can take steps to the art your attack.
There is a lot of did information out there. And I believe this is the most ridiculous one out there.
This has been circulating for a week.
If china was breathing down our necks there is absolutely no way our military would take that in stride.
Don’t believe this people, they are playing us for fools. Telling us what they think we want to hear.
It’s sad to see what is going on in our country. Even sadder to see how blind Americans av be!! God bless and protect the USA!!
I pray this comes to fruition. We’ve had the wool pulled over our eyes long enough, been brainwashed far too long and been out and out lied to. Praying for our country and her constitution!
When we get the updated information for these happenings,,? I went to the store and bought extra food, water, etc. Actually, I am a little excited to see the hand of God moving against the wicked. Please message me, text or email me with vital information. I am passing these along to friends as well.
Thank you!
Brenda Lauridsen
Praise be to God! He will put down our enemies…!!!✝️🇺🇸🙏🏻🎺
I’m in I stand with our president!!
And if this doesnt happen?
So what happens if it’s like April and none of this has happened. Again? How long are we going to wait this time?
Thank you; please keep me updated via emal
They just go with the flow , none are faithful to their Party!!!
I am dumbfounded, angry and ashamed of so called God-fearing Christians spreading this propaganda. Remember that when all is said and done, the ONLY thing that will matter is how you answer to God. 🙏🙏
I thought Mexico was with Trump? Why would they be housing 125,000 CCP?
You can believe that Troops are in Canada. They offered Congress,250,000 from CCP to help in securing DC during the inauguration. And that was on the fake news. CCP and Canada have been having Military exercises for over 3 months now. It was originally to usher in the great reset, but since the insurrection at the Capitol, they have stayed for a more ominous reason. PRAY,PRAY AND PRAY. GOD BLESS THE USA AND GOD BLESS OUR PRESIDENT.
I heard some new intel…with everything being covert don’t know how much is valid…arrest have started…pelosi, shipp, have been picked up among others…Military is for these arrest and elimination of threats…my intel is they are white hats…on the side of the Patriots…
U are getting Intel that Pelosi was one of the people arrested? I really hope the shiz show starts happening by tomorrow, this can’t be the end !!!! If Biden is in that’s the end of freedom as we know it , censorship will impact us immensely and immediately!!!! People think this will just go away and life is normal, this not only will change everything forever, it will also be very immediate.
that’s so encouraging praying for the safety of everyone on this covert mission and their families to save our country and the constitution and the people . God bless you all
I heard this intel also…a couple of sources…simon parks and charlie ward, among others…believe it to be SO…
I truly believe God is handling all of this. I have to admit tho, every time I see this article/video, I have an issue getting past the “Zoom call”. Really? They used “Zoom”???
Guess there are some pretty serious mental issues with lots of unfortunate folks.
Blm, Antifa I think not. That realtor was neither BLM or Antifa, why us she asking Trump for a pardon. The horned guy said Trump invited him. Why can’t MAGA take responsibility for what they did?
Where are all of the mass arrests ? How do you expect anyone to believe anything you say when nothing you say comes to fruition? I would suggest to keep your mouth shut and stop giving people false hope
woot!!! finally a bit of a feeling of hope
Thank you for the info. God Bless us all!
Everyone. Our King is Jesus. No matter what happens, we must never forget the truth that Jesus is our only king. I do believe that voter fraud was committed. Trump will likely reveal the truth and become the President. But Bible says that the antiChrist will come promising peace and security. Qanon materials almost portays that Trump is that king who will bring peace and prosperity. Be cautious not to worship Trump. We only worship our one true God.
Can hardly wait🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏
I have been following “Q=Military Intelligence” since President Trump was duly elected in 2016.
Dig deep into the‘Rabbit Hole’ and use your own brain. Do not watch the Communist Controlled Mainstream Media. The Enemies of America have used Propaganda for over 100 years during Wartime. They did it during Adolf Hitler’s radio broadcasts to “Indoctrinate the German People and to create so much hate towards their fellow German Citizens, The German Jews.
It was used by the North Vietnamese Government to affect our Military Servicemen’s psyche.
May The Lord hear our prayers 🙏
Lmao. So much delusion in place.
I AM sick of all this propaganda! When some real action is taking place, then I will listen,. When President Trump speaks I will listen. until then, I don’t want to hear a word!!!
I hope it’s the Truth. Because alot of people are going to be disappointment. Trump might have not had the best bedside manner. But I believe he truly loves us and this Country. He’s one of the strongest men to take that many hits. I’m being punished on Facebook just because I’ve supported him. I cried the day they said he lost. I don’t Believe it. I can’t stand they are saying were terrorist and racist far from that. I don’t have a violent bone in my body.. I’m scared of what will happen without him.
God Bless him and his family and the USA..
We are behind the president 100 percent! America shall overcome!!!
If all this is such a big secret in the Whitehouse, how did the author get such ” facts ” and who told him to reveal it ???
Can Trump make Anteva and BLM, terrorist groups
This is awesome to know. I knew he wasn’t done or giving up. Thank you President Trump for all you have done for us, The People of The United States of America. God bless you n Keep us all safe.
Y’all sure have been drinking a lot of koolaid .
Thank you for being a BOLD WARRIOR FOR GOD and speaking TRUTH! This truth has been echoed in many Christian News sources and Pastors over the past 36 hours. Praise God for His faithfulness and protection of our President Trump and his family! Please continue in prayer!!
Thank you for all of your hard work
I have been watching from day one what’s going on and I must say this letter is point on We know that President Trump loves America and the American people. . President Trump will still be our President another Four Years ! Keep Praying America GOD IS IN CONTROL ! ! !
Please!!! We need this info for Canadian Citizens Please!
They don’t look like they’re social distancing. LOCK’em UP !!!
Hope this is true. Praise God if it is. Thankyou for heads up.
Thank you for the intel … it’s better to be prepared ( very possible that this is true ) then not prepared. ( chicken little the sky is falling ) to many people would rather stick there head into the sand then even address it.
For everyone out there demanding this proof or that. Just do nothing- Don’t be prepared- But as for me as a Veteran of the USAF I know for a fact as does every one of My Sisters and Brothers who wore or still wear the Uniform. Troops are given what intel they need- The saying ‘Need to know’ didn’t come from a Cracker Jacks Box, It is how Ops are Carried Out. If/When you need to know Intel it will be provided, not a minute sooner. GOD Bless America, Our Troops Here and Abroad, Our Citizens and Our POTUS Donald John Trump. GOD Have Mercy on Those who would destroy Our Country. Amen
Great comment !!! Thank you for your service and your patronage to this country.
Wish people would look into who started communism in the first place – both in the Ussr and China. Zionists are not our friends. Do a simple search for Jews and Communism, Zionism China Communism, etc. Rothschilds have been funding both sides of wars since the days of Napoleon. Look up Balfour Declaration, attack on USS Liberty – why Christians think they are our friends simply baffles the mind.
We need to hope and pray this is true. Ecclesiastes 10:1-4
I find this to be another conspiracy theory. People grabbing at anything to hope Trump remains in the WH.
We need to come to the realization that the country has lost our greatest President and we must now stop making up stories and act like adults.
When everything looks bleak in the eyes of the Lord Jamie, you have to have FAITH that things will be, for the good of the people like you and me.
About bloody time! The longer we leave it the better chance they have of getting away!
Praying! We must declare His Word over every piece of this news, and our nation, President, and All our leaders, in D.C., and in Every state!
This is awesome news! I support my president….Donald J. Trump!!!
Thank you and may god make this swift
Thanks for that
Praying for our president and our country God bless America
Can anybody tell me where to go to see the full video about the Obama video, where he is saying that we need to surrender our freedoms to the state. I need it as soon as possible for a friend and to confirm it is not made up.
that is totally edited …….dont be so ignorant
I am not ignorant as you suggest. If I post anything I don’t like to guess. It is obvious from the lack of information that it is made up, but not everybody sees things the same. I researched it and found out that part of it was from his Belgium Speech Sept 13th 2016 it can be seen on U tube, at least that’s where the small minded part was taken from. Before you judge others why don’t you try to help them! If you are so informed please tell me where the surrender their freedom part is from. Then I will have PROOF to show those who are less able to see as clearly as you and I.
Thank you for the update
The Marist Left is going to try and stop everyone from saying the Election was stolen. Even the Republican’s.
Most Republicans are nothing but Boot Lickers of the Democrats.
Carl Rove is already pushing the idea the the election of not stolen from Trump.
Boot Licker supreme.
It’s the 19th 😢
Is this true? Haven’t heard anything. What do you believe anymore
I will bet any and all of you $5000 that none of this will happen.
You can tempt us to sin, but we’ll pass. But if the spirit moves you, just send a check to the address at the bottom of our home page. Blessings!
Looks like you won Moe…..pathetic info here….they should be disgusted with themselves…I am…will never be back here again…
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
This all sounds good, but Ill believe it when I see it….
Awe some .
Okay kbushey….it’s now 2:40 MST ….and I’m watching Trump’s farewell speech…what say you?!? Nobody is even giving a hint to what you state above…..not Hannity…not Rush….not Newsmax…..I’m seriously confused….it’s also 1/20
the joke is on you ha
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
AMEN, thanks for intel…
Thank you for the information – I believe this all to be true. From the videos I have watched over the last few months all of this makes a lot of sense to me. God bless all of you and God bless President Trump. I cannot wait for the new republic!!
Can you please tell us WTF is going on? Is President Trump still our President after tomorrow?
Well it’s tues night the 19th…………
Thank youGod for President Trump and those great men and women working for him. Lord keep them safe and bring all the fraud and lies to light and those that tried to destroy our country be brought to judgement.
Thank you Mr President we needed you & God bless you
SNAKES and RATS. Google Chinese zodiac and look up their birthdays. Biden, Harris, and the majority of them are evil 🐍 snakes and rats. Be warned! The year of the snake and rat 🐀 are times when the gates of hell are mostly open for evil spirits to enter this world.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Concerning the Obama small minded give up your freedom clip. This video is 100% phony. Whoever put this together and posted this should be ashamed of themselves for adding to the already huge confusion. I am no lover of Obama. And I believe Trump is the man he purports to be that is trying to save our nation so let me be clear about that. Part of this video was taken from his Belgian speech seven minutes one second long. You can find it on YouTubeIt was broadcast by french 24 television.com look at the background is exactly the same as is the small minded part of the Phony video. If you love our nation want to save and help it stop the lying. nothing should be posted until it is actually been confirmed by somebody. God bless us and God help our nation this time of history. One last word of advice whoever is in charge of this website needs to be way more attentive to what’s going on it.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Trump is done. Wake up people. Get off your butts and vote the liberals and nutless Republicans out of Congress in 2022. God bless America
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Stop getting peoples hopes up with this bullshit !
All lies !
Biden takes over today you idiots!
Must be all like the main stream media said . Propaganda
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
You lied!!! All this was fake!! If not, how did Biden get sworn in? This makes me SICK! Mostly the lies and dicier from all those that contacted us through FB. How can you LIE???
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Guess we know its accuracy now, eh?
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Umm so wtf. So what happened?
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
well, obviously something went wrong with this line of thinking and action.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Ok, Are you all done with this nonsense now? Thank goodness Biden is president and sanity has a chance to return to America. The election was not “stolen” and Trump is a con man and a liar. Always has been, always will be.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Today is the 20th and NOT A DAMN THING HAS HAPPENED
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Looks like you were wrong on most of those points.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Wow. This article didn’t age well. At all.
Time to come back to reality folks. Y’all got played. No shame in that.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
The past 4 years has been… exciting to say the least. I’ve lurked on this site for a while, mostly because my dad is one of you guys and I wanted to see what truly makes this kind of faith tick. And now, having watched Biden be sworn into office as the 46th President, I just have to ask you all something: Was it Worth it?
Was it worth tying Christ to a sinking ship, claiming God told you Trump would win? Was it worth giving audience to false prophets who spun current events for your ears? Was it worth the damage done to the Christian witness by allowing these lies and falsehoods to become part and parcel of your faith? Was it worth the harm to your country, in the name of a conman and a liar? Was it worth it?
You all need to repent, look back to Christ. Get away from this Trump-worship and political idolatry. Your Christian brothers and sisters have been telling you for years that Trump was not God’s anointed, only Christ is. But yet, you still chose to follow and borderline worship a thrice-divorced adulterer who made his fortune off predatory rent practices and casinos.
Was it worth it?
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
Soooooo nothing happened. You were completely wrong. Please explain.
Stay the course, hold the line Patriots. All others, have a nice life….and be blessed!
You can’t just explain in detail how all this stuff is going to go down, and then when it doesn’t, just reply with “stay the course.” You and I both know that’s not an acceptable response. As a Christian we both know that spreading lies is very dangerous and I would hope that as someone identifying as a Christian would explain why you were wrong. It’s the very least you can do, or you WILL lose all trust.
Please explain what happened!
I agree! I was on the edge of my seat until Biden was sworn in then I felt totally let down !
Thank you – that’s what I was thinking was he actually had to try and take office … I know I was feeling bummed as a lot of others I’m sure – everyone is so scared if this was to happen and of course MSM (yes I know not to listen to them lol but …)
Thank you for enlightening us – sometimes it helps just to be reminded all that had to be done…
Please help me understand why you just keep replying with the same response? I voted for President Trump twice! America was robbed and so was he! “We the people” deserve to know what is going on. This is ridiculous now!
didn’t quite go down the way you said it would …..lol
Don’t denigrate those who suggested that something would happen. This is counter-productive. Simply take what is, plan for the moment and for the future. Sure there will be those who are hyperbolic. Happens in all communication. Search for intel, present what you think to be accurate and prepare. It is on the individual to discern the signs of the times and respond as an adult.
I posted about bowling with Jesus, I should of explain about removing evil. Trump was and is not evil. Jesus said the White House is covered with evil and I am removing it. Everyone that night that helped felt, dreamed etc of bowling. Jesus has a plan in place and it will end the way Jesus what’s it to end. There is alot of fraud that is being exposed. At the right time, Trump will be back.
I wish all this wishful thinking were true but, see no evidence that Bidens days are few, I don’t think it is fair or right to pass around false hope I mean. Sorry but , much info floating around that Trump is reinstalled by March, I wish it were true but, just not buying it frankly.
And there is the Marine with the horse voice passing around the same falsehood, lets face the facts that we as a nation are in trouble.
Biden, on Jesus plan, he had to be seated. Things are moving in the spiritual realm. It takes time to move in the natural realm. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Pray, if you don’t know what or how to pray Father, in Jesus name your will be done on earth as it is in heaven on regards to (put in what you want to say). Holy Spirit do what needs to be accomplish. Amen.
Where are my comments, don’t believe in my free speech? Sorry to sound negative but, reality is what it is and living in a fantasy is not helping. I think one has to face up to the harsh realities we all face, just the way it is.Yes, I believe in God almighty and I can say without a doubt I am not angry at him if things don’t go the way I want them to go.
Here they are….take a chill pill. We don’t have a staff monitoring 158,000 views and comments. We get to them when we can…
I’d love to hear from some of you now that it has been shown that none of this was ever actually happening and you were all lied to. I am so sorry that you are having to go through such an earth shattering revelations and re-evaluation of your beliefs, but I am curious on your thoughts. This is not entirely your fault, anyone can fall prey to false information. It is entirely the fault of those people who knowingly spread this kind of crap for reasons known only to themselves and God
Ye of little faith! Do you think we devote as much time as we do preparing info for you to spread lies? You don’t have to have any faith in us, and if you
never see another thing we share, you have that right. But as for us, we shall serve the Lord. Nothing you shall say or criticize on our walk
will ruffle our feathers. Choose your path. Choose wisely…
Kristina, there is a new revelation as to why this event didn’t happen. It was beyond peoples control and the circumstances changed. Have FAITH in what the Patriots are doing for this country of ours.
Yes, just a bunch of baloney and false info by Q
So why are you on this site? Can’t keep away, eh?
Free speech or no?
And Steve R. Pieczenik , spreading false hope.
Now what I say here should be believable. I voted for Trump two times and, I certainly wish he was getting back in but, this was a well thought out plan to steal this election from Trump plain and simple he isn’t getting back in I’m pretty sure of that.
Like I said, you people are GRADE A NUTS!!
So why are you here?
Read your Bible it will tell you A lot about what’s going on . It all happened to Isreal. And it will happen to us because we went away from GODLY Values Just like9/11. People want GOD but didn’t understand what was happening Isaiah 9 tells A lot about what’s going on so does the rest of the Bible study it with a Paster or CHURCH
Hope is never false. It gives us all a reason to go on. The basis for hope, however, can be debatable. Debate is good but to belittle someone because they have hope is a showing of your own insecurity. “Trust but verify” RR.
Praise God and thank Him for President Trump
Well, I guess that was a crock…yeah?
Unfortunately none of this came to fruition. President Trump is gone and out, and the left have taken over. Nothing in this post has happened that I can see. Our National Guard Troop’s are surrounding the Capital and the White House still, I gather. But why are they still there? Why won’t Pelosi say anything about it? I thought they were all going to get arrested? Nothing happened! It was all farts in the wind. Nothing happened. Now they are working to take ammo, and hurt manufacturers and all legal gun owners with a ration of more anti gun laws! What are we going to do?
Sean, there’s supposed to be something that’s going to happen on March 3rd . We will find out then, hopefully about Pelosi and the rest of the Dark Side. Just have FAITH and HOPE that we can get this thing turned around for all of
TRUMPS Patriots.
I’m sorry this is I
Old news
And lots of fear tactics
Where is all your information coming from
There is no absolute truth today that can be a sure thing or trusted!
I’m starting to have doubts about this stuff too. All you can do is have Hope and keep up the Faith that things will turn out the way you expected. 🙏 🙏🙏
Thank you….it has been heart rendering I want and need my President Back…we miss his daily communication..and his beautiful family. God protec and keep them safe.
It is interesting to see this post again. This is identical to the posts of 2 months ago, as are all of the comments but for the last one. So, as I see it, nothing has changed. If God is truly in charge, and I pray he is, if he doesn’t act soon, there will be nothing left for him to save. Biden will have this country in the dumpster in another couple of months.
Our. God Is In Control
God Is Not Dead 😇 Prayer Works😇
Jesus said.Seek. Knock and and THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE 🙏🏻❤️
this is awesome, I knew he wouldn’t walk away… that’s not how are President works.. Can’t wait for his full return. I have been telling everyone about the bankruptcy and he will be back. God bless our great President Trump … Please let us know of updates
This article is nowover 7 months old, and nothing has happened yet. Begining to think these “prognostications” are all hooey. I’ll believe it when I see it.