What We Believe


That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. As such, it is without error in its original manuscripts, and it is fully, totally, and uniquely reliable; always trustworthy, as the one essential guide for coming into relationship with our Creator. The Bible is our Guidebook for Life; for all actions and commitments, for righteous living and determination of truth, for healthy relationships, for understanding love and justice, and for how to live life to the fullest, as God intends. In The Gospels and The Book of Acts we find the original model for ministry that Christ started, and it is our only model for our Faith and our Practice as the Ekklesia that Christ is building today. We believe that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, that He became man to fulfill a destiny on our behalf, was crucified, buried, and bodily resurrected, and that He will return to earth to gather His followers to Him to rule and reign with Him as our Eternal King. We believe that Christ never intended to start a religion, but that men have built the church as we know it today. We believe that Christ never intended that His Body become a business or an institution, but a family. We believe that Christ has called us out of the crowd to be His Ekklesia, a governmental body, a ruling congregation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.