Texas Online Ekklesia

TX Online Ekkesias: Sharion McGee | simgee47@gmail.com | Cedar Creek, TX area Name Sharion McGee Email Simcgee47@gmail.com Your Bootcamp Coach (Select One) Kevin Bushey Online Details (Day, Time, Timezone) Every morning […]

Illinois Online Ekklesia

Online Ekklesia: Name James Davis Email james@globalintercessionteams.com Your Bootcamp Coach (Select One) Online Details (Day, Time, Timezone) Monday – Friday, 10 AM Central Location (State, City or Area) Illinois, Fairview […]

OK Cafe

OK Cafe  is a DIscussion Zoom Call.  This is an open format where we can discuss topics that were brought up on OKM LIve, or topics that are brought up […]

Minnesota Online Ekklesia

Maria Vanderpool | maria.vanderpool@hotmail.com – Online Ekklesia: Tuesdays, 5 PM Central at: Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/4170439987?pwd=a2FRd0ZGNXVLS1BuVG9XY2FTVDNZdz09 Meeting ID: 417 043 9987 Password: 333777 One tap mobile+19292056099,, 4170439987# US (New York)+16699006833,, 4170439987# US (San […]