More and more people have given us some explanations of why they are interested in home congregations training. Here’s a few comments share with our leadership team:
“I am a Pastor and over 10 years ago I had a Home Church. Like many Christians today, my family and I have stopped being part of the false system. So it has been on my heart to go back to the home church, but I desire update and therefore would like information on your 12 week online study course and to possibly sign up for it. Thank you!
“I want to hear more! Bingo! Resonates “bigly”. Mark sent me.”
“God revealed to me, years ago, that the current church is not community or oneness in relationship one with another. I have a Godly passion to begin a movement that is totally biblical with apostolic principles. Looking forward to hearing from you! God bless in”
“I have started a small home group and would like more guidance and understanding to be a better host/leader”
“I heard about your ministry through Prophet Mark Taylor. I am an ordained minister and I truly believe God wants me to start a home church. I would like to register for the 12 week online study course.”
“I am very interested in the training that you offer. I have been concerned about how to navigate the process of separating from the 501(c)3 structured church that we are a part of currently. I heard about your training from a video of Mark Taylor. Thank you for your willingness to help with this.”
“Hello, 15 years ago the Lord said to me, “Church as you know it shall no longer be”. I started a home church. The season ended when I moved to NM and now I am being stirred to start home church again and heard about you watching Mark Taylor. Would like to know more about you.”
“I am very interested in the free “bootcamp” 12-week study course. We already have a weekly prayer group but would like to begin a home congrgation.”
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