To Laura P., 2-15-20, 10:30pm:

Their goal was to tear down My America and have it become a part of the globalized world. Their evil had penetrated every system in America. The education system, the medical system, the religious system and many more have been part of an evil plan to take down America. NO MORE! For I, the Lord God Almighty, have cut the cords of power that was their strength. The luciferian reign of these systems are all crashing down as My people who know Me by My name, have humbled themselves, have repented and are calling out to Me. I am listening to them.

And I AM, says the Lord God Almighty, I am going to heal their land. My people are coming out of these evil systems that have kept them in bondage for so long. The veil of that deceiver is off and many can see the truth now. My people have a new hunger and thirst for righteousness as the religious spirit “that evil spirit” has taken its claws off them. They have broken free from the curse of the 501c3 and it’s bondage in the walls of all religious buildings. My heart has grieved for My people and I will no longer tolerate these evil blasphemous spirits that have blinded you. The cleansing is deep, because evil was deep.

Get out of the strongholds that have kept you bound. I love you and I want the best for you. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Abide in My word and it will come alive in you. It will light your path so that you will know which way to go. As you ask for wisdom and discernment, I will give it freely. I will deliver you out of the hands of evil. My cup runs over for you. Many are planting seeds of hope everywhere as I have instructed them.

Take heed to the words I say, says the Lord God Almighty, lest you fall into the traps they have set. This president, Donald Trump, is exposing every trap of the enemy as I have moved in him to do so. As these traps are exposed they that have set them are falling into them. These evil imposters will all fall. Don’t be
frightened by what you see My people. Rise up and pray that your strength will be renewed as I break the chains that have bound you and heal your land. Rise up I say and declare the One who has done it, Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Rise up and take possession of the land.

Take your position and stand strong! For I, the Lord God Almighty, will lead you and guide you. You will break free! I will show you another way, My way. Your worship will no longer be contained inside of walls, but will now be spilled out into the streets, the marketplace, in homes and abroad. The burden is off. The chain is broken. You are free. I love you and My Spirit cries out for you. The time is here to put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to fight against these principalities as they will try to take you back. I will go with you and I will lead you as you call out to Me. Remember to keep looking to Me for your guidance. For I, the Lord God Almighty, will not lead you astray. Do not look at man, look at Me. Follow Me. Soak up My Word.

Justice is here and many will fall. As the evil falls, My Spirit will rise and the roar of My people will strengthen in volume! Victory is here. Declare the goodness of the Lord for victory is here! Come to Me all you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Call upon Ny name, Jesus, and I will hear you and I will save you, and I will have mercy on you for I love you. Repent and I will forgive you, says the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is here, says the Lord God Almighty. Look up unto the hills, where does your help come from? Your help comes from the Lord, creator of Heaven and Earth. He will not let you stumble. He who watches over you will not slumber or sleep. Indeed, He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

I long for you all to be free, but many still have chosen to stay in chains that are comfortable to them, because they refuse to step out. The chains for those will get very uncomfortable soon. For I, the Lord God Almighty, will no longer tolerate this charade of worship and religion. You do not have a spirit of fear, but of love, peace and a sound mind! For I, the Lord God Almighty, have said it and I am leading you out onto solid ground. I will plant you firmly again everywhere so that My Word will go forth and My light will shine once again all over My America. Rise up My people and be as bold as a lion, yet loving one another. Do not tolerate sin. Justice is here, for I, the Lord God Almighty, have said it. I love My people and they hear My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow.