

Georgia Boots on the Ground Events

From Tam Duran on Tuesday July 18, 2023:

The Ekklesia of GA, two different groups, traveled the state yesterday and put boots on the ground at numerous elementary, middle, and high schools across the state.  Below I will copy a prayer that was prayed which is powerful.

We as the Ekklesia, stand as one and decree this day that these borders of the state of Georgia were established and designed to alighn this state as an apostolic state.  We decree that ALL ungodly altars that have tried to be erected will be dismantled and the true worship to the Lord will be heard within these borders.  We decree that this State of Georgia and these borders will hold the design that was originally intended form the beginning as the state of the Union and will be seen and established as a true Apostolic state.

We decree that the Justice Angel that the Lord has sent to our state is being positioned and is bringing true justice and righteousness to our state.  We decree Isaiah 60:18, Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.

We decree Psalm 147:14, He makes peace in your borders And fills you with the finest wheat.  We decree that the Harvest is being unlocked and an increase is being released.

We decree Ezekial 48:1-28 the borders that have been established and will reveal and declare that the Kingdom of God is in the land.  We decree Psalm 22:27-28  All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the LORD, And all the families of the nations Shall worship before You.  For the kingdom is the LORD’s,  And He rules over the nations.


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