

Lesson 4 Comment

Over the years, I have often wondered why these non-denominational churches that are huge, (Mega churches) as they are known, are located in some of the most God forbidden locations in our major cities and satan's attacks upon righteousness and moral government...

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Witnessing to Others

One of our couples taking home congegrations training shared a witnessing story with us. They work at a local flea market on weekends and recently, an 89 year old man visited their booth and asked them about Jesus. He felt his walk in Christ was missing (not even sure...

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A Healing Testimony

Ekklesia In Action! Miracle Testimony: from one of our Ekklesia brethren: I have a relative who’s granddaughter has a brain tumor. She has had multiple surgeries since preschool age. Because of the location of the tumor, complete removal was never an option. It was...

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A Recent Testimonial

Dear Mr. Wagner, I am eager to begin this study course. I registered a few weeks ago and finally am ready to begin. I bought the books as e-books except one was only available as a real book and it should arrive on Friday. The Lord just keeps sending confirmations....

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Comments from Inquires

We received comments from these inquiries this week: My husband and I have been in ministry together since 2002. I've been saved since 18 yrs old and he since 19. That was in the 70s. We have pastored a total of 12 years and currently my husband is a traveling...

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Comments From this Week

"God bless you folks! Every time I tell Christian's about the evils of the 501C3, they do not believe me. Feeling like I'm living in an alternate universe." "I currently have a bible study in my home every week. I have 16 men and women attending. I would like to...

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