

A Prophetic Message

Prophetic Word 3-2-20 2amI love to hear you talk to Me! I will never tire of hearing you talk and listening to what you haveto say. Many do not even hear Me. I am talking but they do not know it is Me, so they stoptalking. Keep teaching them how to hear My voice and...

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Word From the Lord

To Laura P., 2-15-20, 10:30pm: Their goal was to tear down My America and have it become a part of the globalized world. Their evil had penetrated every system in America. The education system, the medical system, the religious system and many more have been part of...

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Lesson 4 Comment

Over the years, I have often wondered why these non-denominational churches that are huge, (Mega churches) as they are known, are located in some of the most God forbidden locations in our major cities and satan's attacks upon righteousness and moral government...

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